Labor Week

Warning: You’re Addicted To TV If…

UNITED STATES—There is a reason so many people in America are obese. Any guesses as to what it might be? If you’re thinking the foods we consume that is a partial argument, but there is indeed more to the story. It’s TELEVISION! Americans spend way too much time sitting in the chair or laying on the couch watching the tube....

Game Changer

UNITED STATES—When it comes to life, there are many things that can be considered game-changers. Rather its relationships, family or work. This week the focus of discussion is what ways we can make pivotal decisions when it comes to work. Life can be a rollercoaster ride when it comes to making crucial decisions about our career paths. Speaking from personal...

Wedding Bliss

UNITED STATES—Recently I attending a wedding and it was amazing. I had this level of glee that I never expected. I think in my entire lifetime I’ve only attended three weddings. Yeah, that is quite a small number if you ask me, but a wedding makes one think about love, the future and life in general. When it comes to...

Family Bonding

UNITED STATES—Family is a tricky thing to say the least. I’d like to think I have a big family, both on my mother’s side, as well as my father’s side. Recently, I had a gathering with relatives on my dad’s side. I’ll be the first to admit I had a surmountable level of anxiety and I didn’t know why....

Abuse In Police Power Continues

UNITED STATES—Unfortunately, it has happened once again, and frankly I’m quite tired of hearing about it. This time the attention has been placed on the community of McKinney, Texas. Never heard of the place, but the small town has become a staple in the news arena. Over the weekend, video surfaced of a police officer who some have argued...

The Price Of A College Education

UNITED STATES—Going to college is something that should be affordable for all Americans, but unfortunately we live in a world where money is the driving force behind everything. For those who were lucky to get the chance to go to college, and successfully obtain a degree, the headache has just begun. Yep, I’m referring to those student loans. That money...

Lazy Workers

UNITED STATES—What is it about Americans being so lazy nowadays? It seems like no matter what you do, getting people to actively do their job is a task in itself. It seems everyone is driven by money to some degree, some a lot more than others, and are willing to go to extreme lengths in order to get it....


UNITED STATES—Anticipation is something that can be both a good thing and a bad thing at the same time. It gives us something to look forward to, but at the same time, it can psychologically destroy the mind when those expectations fail to deliver. Let me give you an example. I seriously cannot remember the last time I literally...

Chaos In Baltimore

UNITED STATES—Monday night my world was rocked to the core when I saw the video of the chaos that was erupting in Baltimore, Maryland. It sickened me to the core, but as scary as it sounds I feared this would happen. I recently wrote a column about “Police Corruption” addressing the issue of the number of unarmed African-Americans who...

Kid Mania

UNITED STATES—Its amazing when you take a moment to reflect back on your life. This weekend I attended my niece’s third birthday party at a place that seems to be the greatest place in the world to children: Chuck E Cheese. Yes, this is a place that I frequented quite a bit as a child, but it wasn’t my...
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