Point of View

Curbing Bad Habits

UNITED STATES—It is not easy ridding one’s self of a bad habit, but with continual trial and error things do get better. I’ve been on a mission to curb my desire to grab a soda or pop or caffeinated beverage (depending on what region you live in) for years. Things have gotten significantly better. I don’t see myself always...

Dictating One’s Schedule

UNITED STATES—Time is perhaps the one thing so many of us in America wish we had more of, but we never get it. With that said, nothing and I mean nothing is more annoying than when a person attempts to dictate one’s schedule. If there is anything people know about me it is that I live on no one’s...

The Great Debate About Marijuana

UNITED STATES—Marijuana is a subject that has people arguing against or for the drug to be legalized.  A lot of people consider the drug something that does not hurt others, but that depends on what is considered a victimless crime. The problem with marijuana is that it has the potential to impair a person’s judgment. People who smoke marijuana...

Be A Bit More Patient

UNITED STATES—I am learning something about life and myself as I get older. I have to have a bit more patience. When I was younger I think I had more patience than what I currently have and I am trying everything in my power to get back to that place. Why? Not having patience can get the best of...

How Some Lie So Well?

UNITED STATES—How easy it is for some people to tell a lie? I honestly am baffled at times the tales some people come up with in a ploy to cover their tracks. To some degree I really don’t believe the notion of telling a ‘good lie.’ A lie is a lie, no matter how many various ways you attempt...

Taxes Vs. Refunds

UNITED STATES—If you’re like any American citizen who works 1 of 2 things is happening for you right now.  Either you’re in the midst of anticipating that huge refund check or you’re in the midst of having to pay Uncle Sam a hefty tax.  Either way the tax season brings many hassles with it.  For those who are self-employed...

Confidence Comes With Skill

UNITED STATES—What are you good at? There is something that all Americans are good at. For me it comes with my skill to write. I know it is something I’m good at and I have been good at it for a very long time people. When you’re good at something it does wonders for a person’s confidence. Yes that...

A Statin-Induced Nightmare

Editor's Note: This is Part Two of a four-part series chronicling the medical history of Hazel's father and the complications of his prescribed choleserol treatment. To properly orient yourself within the story you may read Part One Here. MALIBU—My beloved, once-healthy father was withering away. It broke my heart. I channeled my despair into determination. Fueled by a desire to...

When Young Adults Should Become Adults!

UNITED STATES—It is a conversation I think we should be having more often. Why are some young adults not being introduced into adulthood a lot sooner? Well, I guess that all goes back to the parents because if you don’t teach responsibilities at some age you’re going to have children who become spoiled brats if they don’t take on...

The Problem With Award Shows

UNITED STATES—Awards season is slowly coming to an end, and I must say I’m happy. It can be exhausting for those of us who cover these ceremonies. You have to be dedicated anywhere from 2-4 hours (looking at you Grammys) to watch a show, that for the first 30 minutes is fun, but the remainder of the ceremony is...
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