Point of View

Jury Duty 106: The Pay

UNITED STATES—You have served jury duty, rather a day of just sitting or serving on an actual case you do receive payment for your service. However, the pay is not what you expect. You do have the option: 1) take the check you receive for jury duty or 2) the payment you would receive from your actual place of...

Jury Duty 105: The Verdict

UNITED STATES—So we’ve talked about all the various procedures or elements as you may call it when it comes to jury duty. We have now reached the last stage, which is the reading of the verdict in the courtroom people. We are sitting in the jury room waiting to be called back to the courtroom. While we wait, we...

Jury Duty 104: The Deliberation

UNITED STATES—I promised in my last column that there were fireworks during deliberation when I served jury duty for the umpteenth time. Never have I encountered a deliberation like this people. Tensions were high, people were invested and opinions were heard. After closing arguments, we were taken to the jury room to begin our deliberation in the case as...

Can A Clinical Trial Prescription Drug Avoid The Donut Hole?

UNITED STATES—Toni: I turn 65 in May and am covered by my wife’s employer group health insurance. I’m fighting stage 3 kidney cancer and the prognosis is good since I am participating in a clinical trial for a new cancer medication which costs over $20,000 per month. With this clinical trial, I am paying $0 for a medication which...

Jury Duty 103: The Trial

UNITED STATES—The waiting to be chosen for the jury has been discussed; the jury selection process has been complete, now it is time for the actual trail to begin. Let me just say this people that notion of things in an actual courtroom being just like on TV. Toss that out the window. Judge Judy not real people, things...

Jury Duty 102: Voir Dire

UNITED STATES—If the first column you learned about the process of being summoned for jury duty, the next process if you are chosen is what they call that random lottery. You are escorted out of the jury waiting room and lead to the courtroom where this case will be presided upon. You cannot talk, you cannot chat, you have...

7 Time-Management Tips For Student-Entrepreneurs

UNITED STATES—As a student-entrepreneur, balancing academic life and business can be a daunting task. Yet, with the right time-management skills, you can succeed in both areas. In this article, we will provide seven valuable tips to help student entrepreneurs effectively manage their time and achieve success in their studies and business. Top 7 Tips for student entrepreneurs on time management 1....

7 Ways To Write An Effective Dialogue Like An Expert Essay Writer

UNITED STATES—Writing natural, engaging dialogue may do wonders for your writing’s ability to connect with the reader.  In literature, well-written dialogue serves several purposes. It develops your characters’ lexical and grammatical quirks, reveals their motivations and arcs, and highlights their growth.  Dialogue can do more than only show who the characters are. It can also provide information about the fictional work’s...

Jury Duty 101: The Waiting Game

UNITED STATES—I’ve been wanting to chat about this for quite some time, however, I wanted to give it a bit of time to digress exactly what transpired. I’m referring to my time doing jury duty. Let me be clear people this is not my first rodeo. I have actually been called for jury duty, let me rephrase that: summoned...

Maximize Your Free Time

UNITED STATES—I don’t get much free time America. I juggle quite a bit when it comes to work, school and family. Not to mention some lingering health concerns that have recently become a major concern. For most Americans, they get at least 2 days off in a given week, if they’re working a 40 hour schedule. I on the...
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