Point of View

Too Sick To Work

UNITED STATES—This week was a challenge for me America. I rarely get sick, but when I do it gets to a point where I have to ask that question, “Can I make it to work and do I actually want to go to work? Those are questions so many Americans have to battle at times. For many Americans, they...

Money Spending Craze For The Holidays

UNITED STATES—The holidays are upon us rather we want them to be or not. So what does that mean? Americans are spending more money people and as a result we’re going to see major credit card statements or the budget stretched to new limits as we get closer and closer to Christmas. We sometimes become so engulfed in the...

Donating All The Time Or Is It A Money Grab?

UNITED STATES—We are at that time of year where you see the red kettles and people donating more to nonprofit charities and organizations in need with the impending holidays upon us. For starters, I have always donated to those red kettles that you see outside the grocery stores, shopping malls and retailers in general. I tend to do it...

Turkey Day Preparations America

UNITED STATES—I seriously have no idea what it is about the month of November, but it seems like if you blink it flies by. Why? It feels like just a week ago it was Halloween and in less than a week the biggest cooking day of the year, Thanksgiving will be upon us America. So the big question of...

Black Friday Mayhem

UNITED STATES—Are you ready to shop? The biggest shopping holiday of the year, Black Friday or as many people know it, the day after Thanksgiving is about a week away America. Some of those ads from those big retailers have already dropped, others are still pending and some, they might NOT even release ads this year at all, but...

Nightmares Running Rampant

UNITED STATES—Have you ever had a nightmare that rattled you? What about a string of nightmares that rattled you all related to a similar theme? For the past 2 weeks, I have literally had similar dreams, let me rephrase that nightmares because they have been so intense they have shaken me out of my sleep where I have to...

Medicare’s Rule: Changing Your Medicare Advantage Plan After January 1

UNITED STATES—Hello Toni: I recently attended a local Medicare Advantage informational workshop because my Medicare Supplement Plan F is costing me $260 a month and was going to join the plan. A friend introduced me to your articles explaining the various Parts and Plans of Medicare. Now I am having second thoughts. My questions are regarding what happens if I...

Celebrating Our Veterans Is Important America

UNITED STATES—For those who might be in the dark, Veterans Day is on Friday, November 11. For most Americans, it is just another federal holiday or day off, especially if you work for the government. However, it is NOT just a day off; it is a day where we should be paying tribute to our veterans, the people who...

Lottery Jackpot Dreaming

UNITED STATES—Unless you’re living under a rock, you certainly know that a certain lottery drawing has hit a historic milestone. I’m talking about the Powerball Jackpot which has amounted a gargantuan $1.9 billion and is likely to strike $2 billion before the drawing takes place on Monday. I hear time and time again from so many pessimists who say,...

Is Medicare Or Part D Drug Plan More Important When Retiring?

UNITED STATES—Toni: I am retiring January 1 and am beginning to search for the right Medicare option for me and my wife, who is having breast cancer treatment at a local cancer facility. Her cancer drugs are expensive, and I am concerned about the Medicare Part D out of pocket. I am a diabetic and using the flex pen...
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