HOLLYWOOD—I am so pumped for November 2016 to arrive. I’m dying to see how this political madness as I like to call it will unfold. I mean I cannot recall the last time we’ve witnessed a daily update on the political thoughts of the masses involving the Republican and Democratic parties.
One second it’s all about Donald Trump, then its Ted Cruz, nope let’s focus on John Kasich, nope Hillary Clinton, pause to highlight Bernie Sanders. Each day a new candidate finds themselves in the spotlight: good publicity or bad publicity. Not sure it even matters at this point.
Americans are well aware from the political pundits that it seems that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are likely to earn the nominations from their respective parties, but I have the feeling that for the sake of politics it would be interesting to see a contested convention on both sides.
Primaries this week in several states gave each candidate the possibility to earn even more delegates making the race to secure the nomination almost impossible for some of the other candidates. There is plenty of buzz that Cruz or Kasich could possibly giving Trump a run for his money in several states. Is that enough to halt Trump to securing his party’s nomination? I don’t know, but Donald’s clean sweep of all five states on Tuesday is edging him closer to that magic number.
It is, but that does not mean it’s going to happen. Look, I don’t really engage that much in politics so I have no idea how the world of delegates works; it’s apparent every single state has different rules that apply when it comes to securing or obtaining delegates in primaries or caucuses.
Both Clinton and Trump are far ahead of their competition, but how much fun would it be to see the tide turn and a tidal wave of success makes the race much closer than anyone every perceived. Political analysts would be left scrambling if they discovered that not only could we be looking at a contested Republican convention, but also a contested Democratic convention?
I almost feel at times that the news networks are aiming to put this bug in Americans ear where they hope things are headed. It’s almost like if you know that something is going to have a certain result it can dictate how you behave or react.
I mean sometimes people don’t vote because they get the inclination that their candidate of choice is way ahead in the polls. Yes, I’ve already discussed my issue with polling in the past, because they’re not accurate. People sometimes tell others what they want them to hear, which means the validity and reliability of things should always be raised. These pollsters place into the minds of so many people where they think things are headed.
Hmm, I think pollsters predicted that Hillary Clinton had the state of Michigan locked down, well Mr. Bernie Sanders proved otherwise, and by big numbers to say the least. So for those Americans who are questioning rather they’ll vote based on what the pollsters are predicting, remember there is always a margin of error with those polls people; expect the unexpected.
While Clinton and Trump look like the candidates set to do battle in November based on where things stand now, there is no certainty the result will be what people predict.