HELLO AMERICA!—The former MSNBC host Ronan Farrow is much more than simply sitting in front of a camera spewing out the latest news or interviewing some new hot personality. He is rather special in ways that very few new young personalities have going for themselves. Ronan, as part of his history was a very formidable activist, journalist as well as an U.S. Government Adviser.
One can not help, but be impressed with someone who graduated at age 15 from Bard College in 2009, then went on to graduate from Yale Law School and became a member of the New York Bar. If you remember, it took our boy John Kennedy, Jr. three times to pass the bar. Ronan who has a deep desire in helping people in desperate need became a UNICEF spokesperson for youth. He was an eager advocate for children and women caught up in the crisis in Sudan’s Darfur region and assisted in fundraising and addressing affiliated groups in the U.S.
He teamed up with his mom Mia Farrow who was an UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and made trips to the Darfur region with his her. His experience was so impacting, he advocated for the protection of Darfuri refugees which lead to his affiliation with the Genocide intervention network. How could one not be impressed with such a young dedicated man like this? Well, the Obama administration didn’t waste time appointing him as a special adviser for Humanitarian and NGO Affairs in the office of Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan. Of course, this was a task force of the Clinton administration to review U.S economic and social policies on youth. Farrow co-chaired the working group with senior USAID staff member David Barth in 2010. Clinton announced the creation of the office was a part of refocusing on youth following the Arab Spring revolutions.
Once completing the White House assignment, Ronan began a Rhodes Scholarship at Oxford University. This guy exploded in literary activity! He wrote essays, op-eds, other pieces for The Guardian, Foreign Policy Magine, The Atlantic, The Wall Street Journal, L.A. Times and numerous other periodicals. Penguin Press acquired Farrow’s book “Pandora’s Box” (How U.S Military aide creates America’s Enemies).
Ronan later “voiced” minor characters in the English-language versions of two Japanese animated films (From Up on Poppy Hill and the “The Wind Rises.” He was also awarded Refugees International’s McCall-Pierpaoli Humanitarian Award for “Extraordinary Service to Refugees and Displaced people. In 2012, Farrow was ranked Number one in “Law and Policy” for Forbes magazine’s 30 Under 30 Most influential People; he was also awarded an honorary Doctorate by Dominican University of California in 2012.
Something terribly impressive is the award bestowed on Farrow he received in 2014, the third annual Cronkite Award for “Excellence in Exploration and Journalism” from “Reach the World,” recognition of his work since 2001, including being an UNICEF Spokesperson for youth. Yes! RONAN FARROW is definitely quite EXTRAORDINARY!