Tag: autumn

Late Summer Bloom Until Frost

UNITED STATES—Seasonal changes keep gardening interesting. Like colors of a rainbow, seasons are not as distinct as their dates on a calendar imply. Each...

Seasonal Changes Keep Gardening Interesting

UNITED STATES—Gardening is work. The extent of such work is proportionate to the techniques and scale of the gardening. Substantial gardens likely need substantial...

Autumn Color From Deciduous Foliage

UNITED STATES—Autumn does not get cool enough locally to prevent everything from blooming. A few plants can bloom sporadically all year except only during...

Spring Bulbs Begin In Autumn

UNITED STATES—Spring bulbs lack immediate gratification. They will, of course, justify their habitation of the garden as they bloom next spring. For now, they...

Deciduous Trees Defoliate Through Autumn

UNITED STATES—September 22 was the equinox. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, days will get slightly shorter as nights will get slightly longer. The intensity...

Fall Is Here People!

UNITED STATES—This might be only me, but I am so glad that summer is over and fall has arrived. I love fall and I...

Schedule Bloom For Every Season

UNITED STATES—Early spring bloom is best. That is simply how the schedule of the majority of flowers works. The priority of flowers is pollination....

Division Renovates Tired Old Perennials

UNITED STATES—Autumn is a time for planting partly because it is when many plants are beginning their winter dormancy. They are, or will soon...

Autumn Weather Prompts Foliar Color

UNITED STATES—Mild climates allow more flowers to bloom through autumn and winter here than in most other parts of America. That is why cool...

Mulch Is Imitation Of Nature

UNITED STATES—Every living thing in our gardens came from the wild somewhere. A few plants might be natives trying to adapt to synthetic landscapes....
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