Tag: bulbs
Summer Bulbs After Spring Bulbs
UNITED STATES—It was easy to bury spring bulbs so discourteously in shallow graves last autumn, prior to concern about summer bulbs. None of them...
Spring Bulbs Begin In Autumn
UNITED STATES—Spring bulbs lack immediate gratification. They will, of course, justify their habitation of the garden as they bloom next spring. For now, they...
Deadhead To Eliminate Fading Bloom
UNITED STATES—The need to deadhead so early in spring is one of the few minor consequences of spring bulbs. Long before it becomes necessary...
Bulb-Like Perennials For Summer
UNITED STATES—Like something of bad science fiction, they are back. The earliest of spring bulbs and bulb-like perennials that were so discourteously buried in...
Bulbs For Spring Get Planted Now
UNITED STATES—To those who do not enjoy gardening, the process of planting dormant bulbs must seem to be blatantly unproductive. Those of us who...
What Bulbs Do After Bloom
UNITED STATES—Narcissus, daffodil, freesia, snowdrop, snowflake, grape hyacinth, various iris and most other early spring blooming bulbs and bulb like plants should be perennials....
Bulbs Are Not Finished Yet
UNITED STATES—It was easy to forget about spring bulbs after they went into the ground so unceremoniously last autumn. They got buried without so...
Autumn Is For Planting – Especially Bulbs
UNITED STATES—Autumn is for planting. Cliche? Yes, but true. Autumn is when most plants are beginning dormancy, and are therefore not so bothered by...
Bulbs Foliage Lingers After Bloom
UNITED STATES—Daffodils, freesias, lilies, snowdrops and the various early spring blooming bulbs and bulb like perennials will be finishing soon if they have not...
Plant Spring Bulbs In Autumn
UNITED STATES—Of all the gardening chores, planting dormant bulbs is probably the least gratifying. All we do is dig a hole to the required...