Tag: bulbs

Bulbs Are Not Finished Yet

UNITED STATES—It might seem creepy to think about what spring bulbs are doing right now out in the garden. Like victims of a horror...

Fall For Spring Bulbs Now

UNITED STATES—They are certainly not much to look at now. They are even less interesting once buried out of sight in the garden. The...

Bulbs Now For Summer Bloom

UNITED STATES—Like a timely sequel, bulbs are back. Spring blooming bulbs were available in nurseries earlier, so that they could get planted and disperse...

The Right Bulbs Save Energy

UNITED STATES—After working so hard to bloom so impressively in spring or summer, bulbs redirect their efforts into saving up their energy for winter...

Overworked Plants May Recover Slowly

UNITED STATES—Landscaping and growing houseplants really is no way to bring nature closer to home. If it were up to nature, most of our...

These Bulbs Are Not Incandescent

UNITED STATES—It may seem to be too early to be concerned with narcissus, daffodil and grape hyacinth, but this is when their bulbs go...

Iris Blooms Almost Any Color

UNITED STATES—Iris got its name from the Greek word for rainbow, because all the colors are included. There are thousands of varieties of bearded...

Many Perennials Want Seasonal Grooming

UNITED STATES—Here on the west coast, autumn and winter weather is so mild that the native coral bells are already starting to develop new...

Spring Bulbs Begin In Autumn

UNITED STATES—Narcissus, daffodil, grape hyacinth and early blooming bearded iris are some of the earliest, and probably the easiest of spring bulbs, although bearded...

Delay Some Gardening Between Seasons

UNITED STATES—For gardening, this is one of those in between times of year, when summer chores are under control, but it is a bit...
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