Tag: dreams

Sleep Stress: Part II

UNITED STATES—Last week’s column we talked about sleep in general and addressed a lot of issues that people face in general when it comes...

Sleepless Nights About Work

UNITED STATES—Have you ever had a dream about work that seemed so vivid that you absolutely knew it was real even though at the...

Great Things Come To Those Who Wait

UNITED STATES—I’ve come to realize in life, sometimes things happen when you least expect them. You might be asking what I’m referring to? I...

Career Goals For 2022

UNITED STATES—I have to admit both 2021 and 2022 has been a blur to me a bit with the pandemic changing so many Americans...

Triggering Nightmares

UNITED STATES—As a psychology undergraduate I was super intrigued in my abnormal psych course when we studied all things dreams. What they mean? Why...

When Times Get Rough Just Smile

HELLO AMERICA!—I recently received an extremely moving letter from a young high school student, because of the kind of message it is, we will...

Making Your Dream Job A Focus

UNITED STATES—I have always known for quite some time what I was put on this planet to do. You might say it is your...

Crazy Coronavirus Pandemic Dreams

UNITED STATES─I have been hearing about people having vivid and odd dreams in the midst of this Coronavirus pandemic. I thought at first it...

Nightmares That Rattle

UNITED STATES—We all have nightmares, and for many of us that nightmare is the result of something that transpired the day before. Yes, a...

Find Your Passion

UNITED STATES—It is a question you hear all the time and I think people think it is easy to answer, but it really is...
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