Tag: foliage
Houseplants Bring The Outdoors In
UNITED STATES—There is someplace in the world for the brethren of each and every houseplant to grow wild. All houseplants do not originate from...
Perennials Provide Foliage And Bloom
UNITED STATES—Does anyone really know what a 'perennial' plant is? It is obvious that it is not an 'annual' plant that lives only a...
Foliage Can Provide Color Too
Flowers get all the credit for color. They certainly are the most colorful features in the garden, as well as the most fragrant. However,...
Junipers Should Get More Consideration
UNITED STATES—Too much of a good thing eventually gets old. That is how so many of the good junipers that were so popular half...
Collect Fallen Leaves Before Winter
UNITED STATES—The problem with all the colorful foliage that adorns so many of the deciduous trees in autumn is that it does not stay...
Gardens Show Their True Colors
UNITED STATES—Contrary to popular belief, good autumn foliar color, or 'fall color', is possible on the West Coast. Mild weather only limits the options...
Ferns Are For Distinctive Foliage
UNITED STATES—Ferns are an odd group. They lack the color or fragrance of flowers, or the branch structure of shrubbery, trees or vines. Very...