Tag: Grocery Store

Check Your Grocery Receipts People!

UNITED STATES—I think this is a discussion we must have America because the amount of money we are losing because we refuse to check...

Grocery Store Navigation 101

UNITED STATES—Have you been to the grocery store lately? The prices are bad and inflation is just driving me insane right now. I mean...

Grocery Store Owner Pleads Guilty To Price Gouging During Pandemic

SAN FRANCISCO—Rajvinder Singh, 51, of Apna Bazar, the owner of a grocery store in Pleasenton, has pleaded guilty to nine counts of price gouging. The...

Grocery Store Impulse Purchases

UNITED STATES—They always say the worst thing you can do is head to the grocery store on an empty stomach. Oh, I understand that...

Trader Joe’s Responds To An Online Petition To Change Package Labels

UNITED STATES—Trader Joe’s will comply with an online petition to remove "racist packaging" from its stores. Trader Joe’s opened its first store in Pasadena,...

Junk Food Or Actual Food

UNITED STATES—Food, it is the one thing that we all consume on a daily basis. It’s something that is needed for survival; however, I...

Amazon Offering Line Free Grocery Store

UNITED STATES―Downtown Seattle has become the testing location for Amazon’s first grocery store, Amazon Go. The new location will allow customers to walk in,...

Tipping Line Social Experiment In Nob Hill

SAN FRANCISCO―The Tipping Point, a San Francisco based organization, set up a social experiment and posed as grocery clerks in Nob Hill during Thanksgiving...
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