Tag: insurance
Why Is COBRA Only Paying 20 Percent Of My Medicare Claim?
UNITED STATES—Toni, I need your Medicare guidance because in December, I was rushed to the ER because of kidney failure caused from stage 4...
Cancer Treatment Not Covered By Employer Health Insurance…
UNITED STATES—Help Toni! I have developed a rare form of cancer that requires the use of proton therapy and my problem is that my...
Insurance Covers Vandalism, But Not COVID-19 Claims
SAN FRANCISCO—On Thursday, June 4, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in insurance claims filed by businesses in...
Top 6 Car Insurance Plans In The United States You Can...
UNITED STATES—Getting car insurance is not something you can choose to do: this is a kind of insurance that every car or motorcycle driver...
Texas Judge Rules Obamacare Unconstitutional
UNITED STATES—U.S. District Judge, Reed O’Connor, from Ft. Worth, Texas, ruled on Friday, December 14, that the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare...
A Day In My Skin
UNITED STATES—Written on an envelope in dad’s barely readable, backward slanting script that, “Only to be opened in case of my death.”
“Well.” Denise said...
Healthcare 101
UNITED STATES—For years we have had this ongoing debate between Republicans and Democrats about the issue of healthcare and health insurance in the United...