Tag: politics

Political Theatre

UNITED STATES—I’m sick of it and I’m just going to say it and I don’t care if people get mad. You don’t have to...

Banana Yellow (109)

UNITED STATES—Freud’s rival, Karl Gustav Jung, enjoyed discussing men of power and action like Dulles. Analyzing the dictators of his era who held the...

 “Civil War” Is Tense, Gut-Punching Cinema

HOLLYWOOD—I cannot tell you a movie that I have seen so potent, so visceral and in your face in decades. I am referring to...

January 6, 2021, Three Years Later

UNITED STATES—It seems many people forgot three years ago that something evil, wicked transpired in this country. Something I thought I’d never see I...

Why Is There So Much Hate In America?

UNITED STATES—There is a lot of hate in this country right now and it scares me to the core. I feel like the hate...

“Succession” Recap: ‘America Decides’

HOLLYWOOD—Only two episodes are left before the HBO series “Succession” comes to an end, after a season that has been full of surprises and...

So Tired Of Seeing Political Ads

UNITED STATES—We all know that the mid-terms elections are fast approaching, but I am so over the political ads. I get it; the candidates...

The Division In The Country Looms

UNITED STATES—So many people think a war is brewing in the United States of America. Not between another country in another continent, but amongst...

People Vote Based On Gut Reaction

UNITED STATES—If there is anything that annoys me to the core it is when someone persuades you how to vote. I do not like...

The Divide Between Americans Widen

UNITED STATES—Where has this country gone? The level of hate and vitriol is unfortunately at an all-time high and it seems to ONLY be...
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