Tag: rude

People Are Just So Rude Sometimes!

UNITED STATES—If there is anything that I cannot stand it is people who are just rude and nasty. Look, I get it that people...

Bad Behavior Needs To Be Punished

UNITED STATES—When is enough enough America? I mean people behave badly there should be consequences for those actions people. I had an uneventful holiday...

Rules About Being In Public

UNITED STATES─Why is it that some people fail to behave properly in public? That is something that has always bugged me and I’ve never...

Do Companies Care About Customers?

UNITED STATES—This is something that annoys me greatly. Why is it so hard to find decent customer service nowadays? It seems to be the...

A Touch Antisocial

UNITED STATES—It was the longest elevator ride I have ever spent, creeping from one floor to the next. We boarded the elevator garage level at...

Rich Money, Poor Attitude

UNITED STATES—We hear it time and time again, that the rich live a lifestyle that is extravagantly different from the poor. Is this a...

Customer Service Nightmare

UNITED STATES—Trust me, the tale I’m about to share with you is based on actual events, things that literally transpired for the past 3...
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