Tag: Sleep

Sleeping Dilemma

UNITED STATES─Sleep it has to be the one thing that I crave more than anything in life. I will be completely honest: I don’t...

Quick Naps Are The Best

UNITED STATES─Naps, I think they are God’s gift to those of us who are workaholics. I talk to people all the time about sleep,...

Getting Better Sleep

UNITED STATES—The past two weeks have been one hell of a challenge for me. If there is one thing I value more than family,...

The Perks And Drawbacks Of Daylight Savings

UNITED STATES—This weekend marked daylight savings time and for many Americans it has its pros and cons. I don’t mind the notion of gaining...

Exhausted Vs. Tired: Is There A Difference?

UNITED STATES—I recently had this debate with someone and it was bit heavier than I thought. When you think of the words ‘exhausted’ and...

Technology Stops Sleep

UNITED STATES—I said the one thing I planned to do more of in 2019 was to get more sleep. We’re only seven days into...

Turning The Cellphone Off!

UNITED STATES—I did something this past week that gave me absolute glee, so much to the point that I’m starting to realize that this...

Nightmares That Rattle

UNITED STATES—We all have nightmares, and for many of us that nightmare is the result of something that transpired the day before. Yes, a...

Late Night Sleep Tantrums

UNITED STATES—I have to have perhaps one of the worst sleep patterns in the world. Some days are great, others are terrible. I think...

Cellphone Mayhem

UNITED STATES—Technology is continuing to advance day after day, week after week, month after month. I recall 10 years ago the cell phone existed,...
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