Tag: variegated foliage
Variegation And Other Foliar Color
UNITED STATES—Foliar color is not limited to autumn. Some deciduous plants display colorful foliage from spring to autumn. Then, some of these change color...
Colorful Foliage Needs No Bloom
UNITED STATES—There is no shortage of color for the garden here in our mild climates. If we want to, we can grow various flowers...
Foliage Shows Its True Color
UNITED STATES—Flowers were originally colorful only to attract pollinators. Breeding has improved the color and quality of many garden varieties of flowers, to make...
Colorful Foliage Long Before Autumn
UNITED STATES—The best and brightest color in the garden is obviously still provided by flowers. Autumn color can be spectacular, but only amongst relatively...
Variegated Foliage Brightens Shady Spots
UNITED STATES—Up at high elevations and out in deserts, where sunlight is most intense, plants can actually get more exposure than they need. The...
Foliage Can Provide Color Too
Flowers get all the credit for color. They certainly are the most colorful features in the garden, as well as the most fragrant. However,...
Genetically Confused Plants Can Revert
UNITED STATES—‘Jewel Mix’ nasturtium starts out so colorful with various shades of yellow, orange and red, including rich reddish brown and almost white pale...
Gray Is Not Black And White
It is no coincidence that the deep dark green color of the foliage of Monterey Cypress is so similar to that of Monterey pine....