SAN FRANCISCO—Controversy has brewed at the San Francisco Zoo following allegations that the park’s upper management used a radio communication system as a means of eavesdropping on employees.
Per accusations made by the Teamsters Local Union 856, the zoo’s Executive Director Tanya Peterson and Vice President of Operations Robert Icard had been utilizing the technology to eavesdrop on private employee interactions.

According to the allegations, zoo employees were issued portable radios nearly sixth months ago. Of those radios, two were equipped for monitoring by Peterson and Icard.
Following the discovery of the devices in question, the union is demanding a thorough investigation of an eavesdropping campaign that is in violation of both California and Federal laws.
The campaign was brought to the attention of the union by a whistleblower that has maintained anonymity but has been labeled a “non-union manager.”
On Monday, March 23, zoo officials acknowledged that the radios could be equipped for eavesdropping purposes. The feature allegedly employed in the campaign is designed to facilitate communication in case of medical or safety emergency.