UNITED STATES—It ended like it was supposed to, on that feather-like island, I’m gonna tell it as easy as I can. It was very telling that Miller the Leader had seized the house in Sun Valley, the Death House, so to speak that belonged to that adventurer/writer who took it outdoors, to the real and feelable and observable. Not at all the personage that Miller embraced—from the beginning he wanted to go the European Model. “I am the first European born in the United States.” In other words, Miller was not an outdoorsman but an indoors man.

When in Mexico, Miller recorded the address from a volume of Thomas Mann’s letter. His first day off, where he had a work car (his first wheels in LA) he drove out to San Remo Drive in the Palisades. From the height of swiftly rising side streets lay the most dazzling  view of cerulean blue sea. Staggering in it beauty. I was transported to million places, dreamed of and yet to be visited, Capri, Big Sur, the Amalfi coast, Mozambique. Mann loved California, and not nostalgia drove him back to Europe, where he gladly accepted honors from Germany East and West, deluded that he had achieve the Goethean ideal, Goethe who himself being a paragon of Virgo power, never could have accepted those laurels himself, but fled the toxic shadow of Carneyism.

Taxonomy—the restlessness, the nerves, there’s a breathless dizzying form of self-reproach and there they are outside, the gamut of outcomes of manhood, and I don’t even want to go out there overloaded by angst. Go the the washroom, do the ablutions and the single-paper towel to dry your hand. Fear not the wetness. Jesus the crux of this. To go from a state of hardly living to waking up full and inheriting this rotten cross. But I still go out and do the scary thing.

The radical simple manifesto, which was no longer a labeled a manifesto, but poem called in order to hide its revolutionary essence had a few minor points:  “A Ode to Slack”

Be givers of slack. Be slow to react. Miscommunicate. Miscommunication is communication to interrupt not they who misconstrue. They have valuable gifts. You can use to build the new. Use gray water to flush the crap down the toilet. . . Don’t forget to question. The only stupid question is the question left unasked. . .Abolish library fines. Wear a cowboy hat, boys and girls. When you see people’s eyes light up it’ll brighten your day. Happiness is not all it’s cracked up to be. . .When in doubt go rogue solo.

Yes, cut people preemptive slack and be kind. So you had all of Concordia, and it made sense, the Alliance with the North Idaho people, who carried Mausers, shotguns and rifles. They maintained peace with their borders, amazingly, because of Miller’s bold attempt to take on Cuba, which had strangely got into the hands of the Money people. One of the more outrageous things was the massacre of dogs. The canines rounded up and brought to three stadiums, one in Boise, another Spokane and finally Seattle and Portland in Lower Concordia a bastion of Milleristas. They barked boisterously, so elated to see each other, jumping and leaping, the canine uproar rose as tornados over Kansas. And people were smiling and laughing until the National Guard confiscated the dogs. They whimpered and they cried.

The caravanned to the stadium due to an outbreak of leptospirosis symptoms included fever, increased thirst, urination, lethargy, sore muscles and stiffness in joints, loss of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, and jaundice. This was posted on a sign in each of the stadiums. A wag read that and said, “I have all the symptoms. And for years I thought the symptoms were a byproduct of hating my job.”

This had a huge and consolidating effect on his power. Television and people could jabber of nothing else.

Graydon Miller did it because only he was certain that one of his enemies had assumed the form of a dog.

It just got crazier from there; the moratorium on toppling statues and erasing names in abeyance to political correctness, it played particularly well in upper Concordia. The orator in Miller knew spoke with conviction when saying in Idaho that, “P.C. is an excretion of white folk, and you are being asked to live under the yoke of self-censorship.” To the crowds in upper Concordia, he told them, “I don’t love ugly history. I do think that to cleanse ourselves too rapidly of the past’s blunders is to deprive us of the suffering we need to process to be free of the dirty past. Further, it is to repeat the errors of those who think they’ve reached the permanent light.”

From there it went to the deportation initiative. Residents, naturalized and born there, would be asked to take the same test as any immigrant must answer, seeking citizenship. If they failed, they would be sent to. . . Mexamerica, the sister republic of Concordia.

The country was grieving and distracted. Miller took advantage of the reigning somnambulistic delirium and confusion to make a move. The move was to establish full diplomatic ties with Cuba.

To be continued..