HOLLYWOOD—After last week’s eviction of Bronte, the household starts to team up against Frank, the first big week of drama came to “Big Brother 18!”
Week five began on Sunday with Frank trying to figure out who flipped their votes from Tiffany to Bronte. Nicole, Corey and Paulie all try to do some damage control while Natalie and Bridgette are upset about their third Spy Girls’ eviction.
Da’Vonne and Frank have a big blow-out argument where she is reminded that fights like this are what got her evicted in her season. Da’Vonne tries to mend things with Frank, but he’s not really buying it. Tiffany breaks down due to her feelings of isolation, and seeks comfort from Natalie.
Tiffany decides to work with Frank since she is starting to not trust anyone in the house. Once they find out that Da’Vonne had told each of them that the other person was gunning for them, Tiffany decided to tell Frank that the 8-Pack wants him out. Da’Vonne walks in and relays the fact that Frank and Tiffany were talking to the rest of the 8-Pack.
Tiffany begins to get defensive with everyone but Frank, getting snappy with Nicole, Da’Vonne and Zakiyah. Tiffany and Da’Vonne make shaky amends when Da’Vonne calls a “Big Brother” timeout and tries to genuinely comfort Tiffany.
Paulie, as Head of Household nominated Tiffany and Natalie, since he still wants Tiffany out of the house. The BB Roadkill competition involves a bad smelling RV and hanging air fresheners from unstable pipes. The most air fresheners still hanging wins, and the honor goes to Tiffany! Tiffany wanting to switch the power nominates Corey from the 8-Pack after telling Da’Vonne she will be safe.
On Wednesday, it seems like the 8-Pack is definitely Tiffany’s new target. She and Paulie have a little fight prior to BB Roadkill. Frank, on the other hand, is looking to the future and is trying to build up friendships with Corey and Da’Vonne. There are a couple lighthearted moments this week like Paul’s newfound passion for muffin making.
The Power of Veto picks this week were Paulie, Tiffany, Natalie, Corey, Da’Vonne and Corey. This POV is candy shop themed where one players gets to challenge another player each round and the player who loses the round gets eliminated. The two players competing have to match a picture of three ice cream cones by stacking scoops in the correct order.
After Tiffany, Natalie, Da’Vonne and Paul are eliminated it comes down to Paulie versus Corey. Corey wins the POV, but he is unsure about whether he should use it, because it could mean Nicole gets put up.
Da’Vonne is also concerned about being a possible replacement if Corey pulls himself off, because then Tiffany gets to nominate the replacement. Tiffany continues to tell Frank more information, like who is in the Fatal Five alliance and the alliance between Nicole, Corey, Zakiyah, Paul and Da’Vonne. Sure enough, Corey pulls himself off the block and Tiffany nominates Da’Vonne.
On Thursday night the campaigns start up with Tiffany and Frank trying to convince the other houseguests to vote out Da’Vonne instead of Tiffany. Frank begins by telling Paulie and Corey that if Tiffany stays she will only go after the girls in the house.
Another lighthearted moment as James and Natalie decide to be an official “Big Brother” showmance. So cute! Speaking of the showmance, Da’Vonne makes the mistake of telling James she is going to go after couples, which he relays to Paulie.
There is a short cutaway scene before eviction showing what past contestants, Cody and Vanessa, think about their siblings game play. Cody is proud of Paulie, but thinks he needs to make a two person alliance and not get caught up in a showmance with Zakiyah. Vanessa thinks it is unfair that Tiffany can’t seem to get away from the stigma of being Vanessa’s sister, but she is proud of Tiffany’s aggressive game.
The votes are in and every single vote went to Tiffany. So, Tiffany becomes the fifth person evicted and the last person to get the chance to re-enter the house through the Battle Back competition. The other contestants that will be battling on Battle Back shared who their targets will be if they get back in the house with Glenn going after the veterans, Jozea going after Da’Vonne, Victor going after Paulie, and Bronter going after whoever flipped the votes against her.
After the eviction Julie Chen told the houseguests that they will no longer be playing in teams and there will be no more BB Roadkill. I wonder how things are going to get stirred up once someone re-enters the house Friday night. The person who rejoins the houseguests also gets a chance at the Head of Household for this next week. Until then, “Big Brother” fans!
“Big Brother 18” airs on CBS with a special episode for the Battle Back competition on Friday, July 21 at 8 p.m., followed by the regular schedule of Sunday at 8 p.m., Wednesday at 8 p.m. and Thursday at 9 p.m.