SAN FRANCISCO—Its finally here, “Hamilton” the Broadway musical will kick off its national tour on Friday, March 10 at San Francisco’s Orpheum Theatre. “Hamilton” tells the story inspired by a penniless orphan, who became the nation’s first treasury secretary at the age of 34.
Compose of a multicultural cast, “Hamilton” has sold out shows and has astonished the American theater, winning Pulitzer, Tony and Grammy Awards.
Hamilton is considered a pioneer due to its wielding influences on race, immigration, politics and history. Other Broadway shows who demonstrate different genera are “Shuffle Along” to “West Side Story” and “Rent.”
In an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle, “Hamilton” producer Jeffrey Seller said what it means for him the musical Hamilton. “For me, it’s another one of my children whom I love. Whom I nurtured, and whom I brought up, and I brought them all up the same way.”
What makes “Hamilton” stand out for everyone its how its built on tradition. It’s radical, because the historical figure onstage and is one of the founding fathers one who is found on the $10 bill.
For ticket information visit their Facebook Page.