St. John's Confidential File

Television Reveals Tons Of Truths!

HELLO AMERICA!—Watching and listening to President Trump’s lame dissertation, concerning the shooting at the Jewish Synagogue on television, it made me more acutely aware that he is basically responsible for the horror our nation is experiencing concerning racial and religious discontent and his determination to exclude all those who don’t look like himself will not qualify for any consideration...

Phillip Michael Thomas, Mysterious But Extraordinary!

HELLO AMERICA!—Many of my readers who know that actor Phillip Michael Thomas and I were extremely close during the early years of his career, may wonder why I haven’t written about him very much. The answer is simply that when he became so successful in his TV series “Miami Vice,” he changed so much I hardly recognized the guy...

The House On Laurel Canyon

HELLO AMERICA!—Again, I am reminded that having faith and believing what you are doing will contribute to the good of everyone who might need an extra push forward is a powerful force. The signing of legendary star Ruta Lee, as the grand dame of “Studio House on Laurel Canyon” sitcom is a powerful symbol of what can happen when...

Deep Division Ripping U.S. Apart!

HELLO AMERICA!—Following the recent takeover of the United States Supreme Court by the Trump ultra-rightwing only intensified even more the social-political division which was already near the line of no return. The film writing group of Segment Productions released the opinion they are seriously offering a script which will compare the nation’s complacent attitude concerning the attacks on various...

Writer Ross Chappell Joins “Me Too” Rage

HELLO AMERICA!—One of my most talented production writers and musician friends, Ross Chappell, posted that he, too, was a victim of sexual abuse, rape and all the rest of it at an early age. It affected him in every possible way down through the years. He feels extremely grateful that we are at a point in our nation in...

Life Outside Hollywood Carnival Of Dark Faces

HELLO AMERICA!—When arriving at U.S.C. from Earlham College, I had no idea what to expect. It was quite a change from the scent of ‘Hamshire Hogs’ to sweet smelling Palm trees which lined nearly every major area of Los Angeles. Admittedly, the confrontation with the KKK which seemed to be powered in Richmond, Indiana was an experience one would...

Legendary Jazz Musician John Lewis Remembers!

HELLO AMERICA!—When speaking with jazz musician John Lewis who has quite a history in the jazz world of music, it results in personal experience revelations of some of the most prolific talents of the music world. He quickly opens up about his relationship with the likes of Miles Davis and Bill Cosby, who were two of his backers of...

Young Filmmakers Unite Against Trumpism!

HELLO AMERICA!—It seems that Barack Obama's decision to reappear on the political scene in support of his party’s determination to reclaim the House of Representatives is what the Democrats needed. As a result, the support of his party who are determined to take back control of the House of Representatives has suddenly taken on a new shape of life. This...

Black Artists Feeding Into Trumpism

HELLO AMERICA—I had a very emotional, but stimulating exchange with one of my production partners, Bobby Wright. It was my contention that the few Black directors and producers seem to be feeding into the sick historical beliefs that affected the image of persons of color as stupid, graveling, worthless, lawless bunch of jungle garbage waiting for a hand out....

All USA Colors In Same Bucket

HELLO AMERICA!—Hollywood like everywhere else, it seems, is riveted with dealing with those of color: Blacks, Brown, Red, Yellow, you name it, they are all pitted against each other for power as executives, performers, production leaders, you name it when it comes to film or TV development, casting especial when it involves the process of production control. Because there...
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