St. John's Confidential File

Joe Franklin An Angel, A Gift To Many

HELLO AMERICA!—When I was editor in chief of three major national entertainment publications: Players, Now and Michael St. John's Night Beat, it was Joe Franklin, host of his own television and radio interview show out of New York who called and asked if I would be interested in co-hosting his show with him for one week. His death reminded...

“Send Me” Back In Time To Slavery?

HELLO AMERICA—I have heard of many story ideas for film and theatre, but never anything like this! "Send Me" is a web series about Gwen, a black woman and a professor of African American studies who has the power to send black people back in time to slavery as a character building measure. The power to do this has been...

Forest Whitaker’s Passion Is the Camera

HELLO AMERICA!—When you have been in the entertainment business for years, it becomes quite easy to single out those who are special to the point they will be the guiding force for other artists, as well serve as favorites in the general marketplace. Marlon Brando, Kate Hepburn, Charles Laughton, Bette Davis and so many others who still affect our...

Chris Robinson & Michael Jason Allen Hit Screen In Big Way!

HELLO AMERICA!─It was so exciting to be made aware that veteran actor Chris Robinson finally agreed to make another film on the widescreen again. After his many years on the celebrated soap “General Hospital” as Dr. Rick Webber, as well as winning international attention for his co-starring role on the hit series “Twelve O’Clock High,” he had a need...

Whoopi Goldberg Considering “View” Exit?

HELLO AMERICA!—It doesn't matter how ABC's "The View" tries to keep up a team-friendly front involving Whoopi Goldberg as the leading host, it is extremely apparent she feels because of her status as the only Oscar winner, that it gives her automatic power as the only panelist who has anything worth listening to, no matter what the subject matter...

When Lights Are On, The Cameras Begin To Spin

HELLO AMERICA!─If you’ve grown up being on a stage or waiting for a voice to yell out, “LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION on a film set, it becomes a natural part of who you are as an existing human being.  One quickly becomes an eager member of the club of actors who struggle earnestly to bring truth to whatever character they...

Diva Time With Shirley “Hazel” Booth

HELLO AMERICA—When many of you read that I had been featured in the Broadway play, “The Desk Set” which starred Oscar-winning star Shirley Booth, who is remembered for her hit series “Hazel,” they begged me to hear about my relationship with the great lady. Like many of the stars or those in filmdom or theatre-power, we had our ups...

Star Ethel Waters Yelled, “Go And Raise Hell!”

HELLO AMERICA!—I have been one of those fortunate ones to have spent most of my life in a place, an industry realizing my artistic, creative dreams. I have met and or worked with or around some of the most fascinating artists on many levels who have guided me on a continued path of survival. Stars like Bette Davis, Dan...

Jacquie Shane Ready To Rock In 2019!

HELLO AMERICA!—Even though the nation is experiencing a feeling of social and possibly professional division in our cities, the entertainment industry is forging ahead with very positive changes on every level. More diversity at each turn for people of every color are being considered and hired in every vital facet of the TV and film industry. Women, especially, are branching...

Growing Up In The Shadow Of Hell!

HELLO AMERICA!—Since I have been hosting my own radio show for the last six months, I have received so many messages from listeners as well as readers of this column concerning my young life growing up in a place called Green Tree Hollow. They are interested as a youngster what my view of the world was during that period of...
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