Health & Fitness

The Beauty Behind Korean Skincare

UNITED STATES—Having smooth and glowing skin is something everyone longs for. Your skin’s condition is heavily reflected by the air quality, water hardness, your diet, and most notably: your skincare regimen. For people who are striving to get rid of dull, uneven, oily, or dry skin: look no further. A miracle has arrived in the shape of Korean skincare. ...

Raking Leaves Is No Fun!

UNITED STATES—There is one thing that I never look forward to in the fall. Any guesses America? It’s raking leaves. Yes, this does depend on the region of the country you live in, but if you are from the Midwest, East coast or upper West Coast, you are quite familiar with a brown paper bag and the rake. This...

Motivation To Exercise

UNITED STATES—I have been getting this question a lot lately: what motivates you to exercise? Now, that may seem like a simple question, but to be honest it’s not. It’s not all about eating and staying healthy, it provides a moment of solitude. Look, I’ll go much more in depth on what I mean by that later, but I...

Meal Prep Made Easy 101

UNITED STATES—Cooking for many of us is something we dread, for others it’s something we love, and for those in between rather you like it or not, you have to eat so get used to it. I’m someone who knows my way around a kitchen, and while not an established chef, I’m able to care for myself without relying...

Fruits, Fruits And More Fruits!

UNITED STATES—The one resolution that tends to be at the top for most Americans in the New Year is eating healthier and losing weight. In essence, most of us are expected to go on a diet. I hate the word diet because it’s super scary, but at the same time it forces one to determine what foods to eat...
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