The Visit With The Heart Doctor
UNITED STATES—I will be the first to admit this, I do not like going to the doctor. I actually have a fear of going to the doctor. I fear that aspect of receiving bad news and that paralyzes me completely. I recently got news after a doctor visit that caught the attention of my Primary Care Physician. He said...
Exercise Regimen Requires Discipline
UNITED STATES—If there is one thing I have learned about exercising is that it requires discipline and a plan. For those out there who work full-time jobs, or more than one part-time job, getting that exercise in on a daily basis can indeed be a chore. How so? There are days where you are just mentally and physically exhausted....
Exercise Starts With A Commitment
UNITED STATES—Commitment. It is a word that many of us fear. However, it is a commitment that pushes us to accomplish things that we sometimes ignore. One of the biggest commitments I wanted to make starting the New Year was to get more exercise in. Things were not great in January, and yes I can blame COVID-19 for that,...
Tips And Advice For Healthy Eating
UNITED STATES—The resolution for 2021 for so many Americans is to eat better. I know it was at the top of my list because the quarantine 15 was a real issue for a vast majority of Americans. It is one thing to eat bad because you want to; it is another thing to not be healthy because you have...
Quarantine Health Crisis
UNITED STATES—We can sit here and ignore the elephant in the room if we want, but the truth remains, many Americans put on a bit of weight as a result of the big quarantine that transpired from mid-March thru July. In some states it was even longer if you ask me. I know for one that I put on...
You Are Responsible For Your Health
UNITED STATES—Health, it’s a loaded word, especially when people ask you how is your health. We are always inclined to say all is great, even in some incidents where that may not be the case. We like to hide or not fully deliver the truth when it comes to our health and where things stand. You sometimes have to...
Diet Changes Are Not That Easy
UNITED STATES—I am trying my hardest to be healthy when it comes to eating. The thing about eating healthy is you’re told one thing by this study, this doctor or some report, but then come to find out weeks later you should not be doing this or that. It is just frustrating and annoys me to the core. Why?...
Health Regimen 101
UNITED STATES—A lot of us take our health for granted. We really don’t think about what we’re eating, why we’re eating it and rather it is healthy for us. It sometimes takes someone we truly care about getting deftly ill for us to realize, “Hey we might have to make some changes to our diet.” I mean I like...
Let’s Be More Active America
UNITED STATES—Spring has finally arrived America and with that being said I’m seeing more and more people outdoors. As soon as the weather gets slightly warm it’s like you see a complete change in the personality of people. I mean kids are outside playing, adults are running or jogging, the bicycles are out and yard work is being completed....
It’s All Mental!
UNITED STATES—You might think from reading the TITLE this story might have something to do with mental health or psychology and you would be wrong. This column is more about the importance of exercise and how for so many Americans it’s more of a mental battle over everything else. Why would I make such a claim?
It’s because I told...