Labor Week

Christmas Is About Giving Not Receiving

UNITED STATES—We are in that time of year, where the spending is at its peak. The thing people should be aware of that Christmas is about giving not receiving. It is something I think so many people forget more than they should. I recall as a kid when I got my obligatory funding from my parents for Christmas that...

Do You Wrap Or Bag Presents?

UNITED STATES—It was no argument 10 to 15 years ago, I would easily wrap all my Christmas gifts, but within the past 2-3 years, I have swapped wrapping gifts for bagging them. Why? Bagging a gift is just so much easier. To be honest, time seriously got the best of me in recent years, and I was put into...

The Black Friday Experience

UNITED STATES—It has been tradition for my family that we shop the day after Thanksgiving for as long as I can recall. The past few years have been slightly different because I’ve had to work my day job. This year the family went out on Saturday instead of Friday, and I must say the older I get the more...

Overwhelmed Without Enough Time To Do It All

UNITED STATES—Whew, there is something about the week of Thanksgiving that can just knock the wind out of you and I mean that in a literal sense.  My life always seems to become super chaotic around the week of Thanksgiving, and I’m always trying to find a balance between it all. Working two jobs, dealing with schoolwork and mid-terms...

The Thanksgiving Rush Begins

UNITED STATES—I swear it seems as soon as Halloween comes and goes, Thanksgiving is literally right behind. We’re less than a week away from the big cooking holiday and the big question of the hour is whether you’re prepared. Why can I say that? So many people wait until the last minute and before you know it, it’s too...

Self-Checkout Just Is Not For Me

UNITED STATES—It is becoming so much of a trend in retail establishments that I have become quite annoyed to say the least. Do you go through the checkout or self-check? I prefer to utilize the checkout where I can deal with a live person. I am not a fan of the self-checkout. The self-checkout is becoming more and more...

Mid-Terms And Homework Stress

UNITED STATES—When you go to school there is always that portion of higher education where you are tested on what you know. Whether it is undergraduate, graduate or doctoral, you have homework, no matter how old you are. For me, homework tends to be the most frustrating aspect of pursuing higher education. Why? You have to make the time...

A Bit More Veggies Matter

UNITED STATES—I have to admit I have been skirting around eating my veggies lately and it is something that concerns me. I will admit I don’t eat many veggies in the morning for breakfast, unless I happen to be cooking breakfast on a weekend, where I have an omelet with veggies in it. For lunch, it depends on the...

Can The Brain Have A Turn Off Switch?

UNITED STATES—Gosh, the brain is such a fascinating organ. I recall as an undergraduate while double majoring in English, Film Studies and Psychology, I took a series of courses about the brain. I recall vividly my counselor at the time telling me DO NOT TAKE THIS COURSE OVER THE SUMMER, as it’s already a difficult course in its own,...

Kids Are Massive Balls Of Energy

UNITED STATES—Kids are a lot, a lot more than what most people realize, if they’re not parents. I had the pleasure of babysitting my nieces over the weekend and man did they exhaust me. Is it me or is it hard to keep children entertained nowadays? I felt my nieces didn’t want to do anything but stay glued to...
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