Labor Week

The Stress Factor

UNITED STATES—We’ve had the discussion in the past how stress is something that we all encounter in our daily lives. We have also discussed various tactics and things that we can do to alleviate such stress. However, we have not yet had the conversation on what impact stress actually has on one’s body. This is IMPORTANT people! Why, the...

UCLA Basketball Team Scandal

UNITED STATES—I haven’t talked about this incident because I wanted to wait and see how things would unfold because it was not only a major scar on the United States, but the UCLA Basketball team. Why? Well, it never looks good when a scandal transpires, but it’s worse when the scandal involves a well-known sports team in another country. When...

Bonding In The Midst Of A Crisis

UNITED STATES—Family is the most important thing in the world to me, but it seems the older that I get the more that we drift apart. We are only reminded of how important the bond of family is when a crisis strikes. I have not yet shared this tale, but it’s of importance to me to shed a bit...

Comedy Gone Too Far!

UNITED STATES—It is no secret to the world that comedienne Kathy Griffin has rubbed quite a few people, let me rephrase that, a lot of people the wrong way. For those who have been sleeping under a rock, Griffin has received plenty and I mean plenty of backlash for that photo shoot of her holding what looked like a...

Hillary And Trump: Presidential Debate Round 1

UNITED STATES—Its been talked about for weeks people and on Monday the American public got its first taste of what Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican candidate Donald Trump are planning to offer to the world if elected into office. Yes, it was a highly anticipated debate people, because in my honest opinion, the debates are critical. They give...

Oscar Scandal With The Envelope!

UNITED STATES—Well, that is one hell of a way to end awards season. The Oscars, which I’ve been watching for over 2 decades had a moment unlike any moment ever in history. By now, most of you should know or heard about the big debacle that transpired on the Oscar stage courtesy of “Bonnie and Clyde” stars Faye Dunaway...

Remembering September 11, 2001

UNITED STATES—I was dealt a devastating punch this morning, which just made me come to the realization that many of us forget tragedies so quickly with the constant movement of life. Monday, September 11, 2017, marked the 16 anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the United States in New York City and Pennsylvania. It’s really bad as an American...

The Fight To End Poverty

UNITED STATES—This week has been a tough week for me, but especially because I just watched a documentary titled “The End of Poverty” that literally ripped my heart out of my chest. Why? It just puts into perspective what is important in life, but also the fact that with the United States being one of the richest countries in...

Hurricane Harvey’s Devastating Impact

UNITED STATES—Mother Nature can indeed be downright cruel and dangerous at times America. The biggest talk of town for most people this weekend was the absolute devastation, and I mean utter devastation in regions of the state of Texas. The biggest concern for many was the massive amounts of rainfall that has literally flooded towns, forced people out of...

The DACA Debate

UNITED STATES—President Donald Trump has erupted a bit of chaos yet again in America with his decision to put an end to DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). The program was established by former U.S. President Barack Obama in 2012 which allowed individuals who entered the country illegally as minors the ability to obtain renewable two-year period of deferred...
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