Labor Week

The Seven Deadly Sins

UNITED STATES—I recall quite vivid nearly 10 years ago I studied the importance of the seven deadly sins while studying Shakespeare and Medieval Literature. While most people can’t recall which is more prevalent than the others, but for those not in the know, those sins include: Pride, Envy, Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Sloth and Wrath. I was always warned that...

Fixing Family Dysfunction

UNITED STATES—Every family has some sort of dysfunction, but just because dysfunction exists, doesn’t mean it can’t be fixed. The one thing I’ve noticed about various people I know and their families is that we all have secrets or skeletons in our closet that we prefer not to divulge to the rest of the world. Why? Well shame, we...

Divorce Can Be Devastating

UNITED STATES—Let’s talk about an issue that I think should be discussed a lot more in today’s society than we discuss: divorce. Divorce is something many people have encountered, while others come from families of divorce. Back in the days the idea of a divorce was second nature; it was something that people were expected not to do. If...

President Trump Vs. North Korea

UNITED STATES—Most Americans have known for years how dangerous and tactless North Korea leader Kim Jong-Un truly is. He has recently made headlines after announcing launching missiles that can actually travel far enough to strike the United States. The guy is a nutcase, a dictator and wants anyone who does not fall in line with North Korea’s way of...

Sexual Harassment In Hollywood

UNITED STATES—I was in utter shock to learn in recent days that Hollywood film executive Harvey Weinstein had been accused of sexual harassment in the past and that it had been transpiring for decades. This is the guy who established Miramax films and helped usher in The Weinstein Company. Not to mention he has been the name behind some...

Utilizing That College Degree

UNITED STATES—For more than four years you attended that university taking classes to obtain that degree that you were interested in. Notice the key word ‘interested.’ That was the one thing I found frustrating about college, the factoid that you have to settle on a specific major. I mean sometimes people have multiple interests or things that grab their...

The Adrenaline Rush Of Horror Films

UNITED STATES—As a fan of horror, I have been asked countless times about my enjoyment of the genre. It sometimes annoys me, but at the same time I think it is a great question to enlighten people about the genre that so many consider drenched with violence, blood and gore. And to a large degree that is true, but...

Keaton Jones Puts A Spotlight On Bullying

UNITED STATES—I saw a heartbreaking video this weekend, and by now for those of you who have access to the internet or even TV you have witnessed it to. We talk about the issue of bullying, but to hear a detailed account from a kid who is being bullied in school breaks my heart. Keaton Jones, a kid from...

Security Precautions At The White House

UNITED STATES—We all knew the election of Donald Trump to the most powerful position in the world would be contentious, however, I never expected in a million years to hear about so many security breaches in less than 2 months of the man being in office. This is scary, and downright baffling to say the least. In just 2...

Punctuality Matters People!

UNITED STATES—Being on time, or as many say, punctuality matters. However, it seems so many people think punctuality doesn’t matter, but it says a TON about a person’s character. When I think of punctuality the first thing that pops into my mind is the world of employment. When you’re employed, it’s the first place where many people learn the...
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