Point of View

Junk Food Or Actual Food

UNITED STATES—Food, it is the one thing that we all consume on a daily basis. It’s something that is needed for survival; however, I really want to pinpoint the conversation about what food is being purchased. Things that should be consumed versus those food items that are not so good for the body, but we cannot resist. Let’s discuss...

Is Chivalry Dead?

UNITED STATES—It is an issue that many men encounter all the time in the current day-and-age: is chivalry actually dead? Hmm, you might be asking me what prompts this question well, it is TMZ. They reported a story about themselves involving one of their photographers and actress Tiffany Haddish who was at LAX loading luggage into an SUV after...

“Secret Of Mana” Is A Classic

HOLLYWOOD—I’ve talked about my gaming past some time ago. Like I told so many people who ask me why I no longer play video games? Well, the first would be the fact that I’m an adult, and the second would be life is so busy where is the time. However, I have started to carve out a small time...

Should We Shorten The Work-Week?

UNITED STATES—I’ve had this conversation with several people, and I’m all for the notion of shortening the work week to four days compared to the typical five. It’s been heavily debated a lot, and what is more interesting is overseas workers are not expected to work as hard, or to the extreme that so many Americans do on a...

The Obsession With Social Media!

UNITED STATES—I’ve talked about my concerns with social media for years now, and I know while some of you might suspect things being all negative, there are positive drawbacks to it because it keeps people connected. Something that really stuck in my mind was this notion of the psychology behind people constantly posting on social media and how it...

Spending Money That’s Not Yours

UNITED STATES—Money, it seems to leave our pockets, purses and wallets as soon as we receive it. However, how often do we find ourselves in a situation where money is being spent, but it’s not ours. That is very rare to say the listen. The only time this transpires is when you’re a kid and you don’t have a...

Talking Without Listening

UNITED STATES—Let me be clear this is not a column aimed at the issue of people expressing their opinion, which I know many people will suspect the title hints that. However, this is aimed at the idea of us processing what we say before saying it. Once again, this is not aimed at people saying stupid things, but attempting...

The Homework Delay

UNITED STATES—Homework, for many Americans it is something we encountered from an early age all the way up to our mid to late 20s, maybe longer if graduate, medical or law school is in the cards. With that being said I’ve always wondered why there are only two types of individuals when it comes to doing homework: those who...

Privacy No More

UNITED STATES—I would be lying to you if I didn’t say I’m so concerned with anything I do online nowadays because it seems every single day you hear a new tale about a retailer, credit reporting agency or some social media platform that has had their systems compromised. I mean the recent news about Facebook had so many people...

Cash Is Best!

UNITED STATES—We’ve had the conversation before, but with all the recent reports of privacy laws being violated and customer information being hacked, there are ways to protect yourself. It seems the only way to protect yourself is using the one form of currency that doesn’t have your personal information plastered all over it. Yes, what I’m saying seems impossible,...