Point of View

Public Speaking 101

UNITED STATES—It’s something most of us fear: public speaking. What is it about speaking in the public sphere that delivers so many jitters for most of us? It’s a question I have been eagerly trying to find the answer to for YEARS. If you were to ask me 10 years ago, if I was comfortable speaking in public, I...

Football Dangers

UNITED STATES—I seem to keep having this discussion week after week with people in my family. Football is a dangerous sport people, and while I know it’s part of most Americans daily routine on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays (Yes, football is happening all the time nowadays), it has its drawbacks. Some of you might be asking why this...

Every Penny Counts

UNITED STATES—We have all been told that every penny counts, and in my personal opinion it does. However, I see so many people; toss pennies to the curb as if they don’t matter. Like seriously, what gives people? The penny seems to have no value to most Americans, but they should seriously think again, when you actually do the...

Biting Off More Than One Can Chew

UNITED STATES—Some of us are just guilty of being overachievers, it might be a result of what many call having a Type A personality. Yes, unfortunately, I’m one of those people, and I’m coming to the realization that sometimes trying to do it all is not the best fit. I tend to be that person when it comes to...

Older Sibling Vs. Younger Sibling

UNITED STATES—Ok, this column might not apply to all people, but for those with a sibling this is a column that will totally connect with you. I’m a believer the more siblings you have the more drama that is certain to be evident in the mix. For many baby boomers, there is a likely chance that their parents had...

More Black Lives Lost

UNITED STATES—It’s no secret at this point that the question of police brutality or excessive use of force has risen once again in the American spotlight. In just 1 week, we’ve had 2, not 1, but 2 fatal shootings in various parts of the country. The first taking place in Tulsa, Oklahoma where Terence Crutcher was fatally shot at...

Hillary And Trump: Presidential Debate Round 1

UNITED STATES—Its been talked about for weeks people and on Monday the American public got its first taste of what Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican candidate Donald Trump are planning to offer to the world if elected into office. Yes, it was a highly anticipated debate people, because in my honest opinion, the debates are critical. They give...

Wiser With Age

UNITED STATES—I want to pose a question to everyone, do we actually get wiser with age? Most people would say yes, but it begs the question that if we made mistakes in our 20s, how likely are we to make that same mistake in our 30s, 40s or 50s? It is indeed a question worth asking, because as I...

De-Cluttering The Clutter

UNITED STATES—I’m going to let you all in on a little secret: I hate totes! I know so many people utilize totes and storage containers to get organized, but in my honest opinion they only led to more clutter and chaos in the home. This weekend, we did a massive overhaul getting rid of things in our pantry, basement,...

Capitalism: Good Or Bad?

UNITED STATES—When I say the word capitalism, what is the first thing that comes to mind? For most people its business, but there is more to this loaded word than people suspect. However, capitalism, while linked to business is about producing a product for consumption, where the owner reaps the benefits while the workers don’t. Yes, people can make the...