Point of View

Getting Into The Holiday Spirit

UNITED STATES—I am so happy October is behind us because the month of November is the official kickoff in my opinion for the holiday season. The pumpkins and candy are out and it is time for Christmas lights, decorations, cookies, shopping, gifts, Santa Claus, family, food, cooking, parades and helping those in need. If you’re not in the holiday...

Temptation Can Be Resisted If You Commit

UNITED STATES—Temptation is something we will always battle against. No matter how old, how wise, how intelligent you are temptation is always going to be part of your life. Temptation can be good, it can be evil, but truth be told, when have you ever had a temptation that was actually a good thing. That’s right you don’t. Recently,...

Virtual Data Rooms Reviews And FAQs

UNITED STATES—Online spaces are becoming the standard way to exchange data. Facsimile communication has largely already lost its relevance. Other similar platforms are also becoming a thing of the past, especially e-mails and peer-to-peer networks, as new alternatives have emerged in the open market, providing not only speed or packet volume, but also security. Therefore, recently, users have more...

The Candy Overload

UNITED STATES—It is October and you know what that means: CANDY! Halloween is right around the corner and it’s a day that’s a favorite for many children because when else can you get free candy by going door to door? You can’t, however, the problem is that candy has gone up significantly in price. I mean I recall a...

Change Can Be Scary, But Warranted

UNITED STATES—It is so scary America, but sometimes change is part of life. I will admit that I am someone who does not like change. It takes a moment for my brain to adjust to change especially after I’m used to a habit that I have been doing for weeks, months or years. My brain does not process change...

Don’t Allow Stress To Control Your Life

UNITED STATES—As one gets older, you start to realize in life there are things that you can control and there are things that you cannot control. I’ve come to realize the older that I get that I should not internalize stress. The more stress a person takes on the overall impact it has on your mental health and physical...

Why Is My Medicare Part B Premium $615?

UNITED STATES—Dear Toni, I have been reading your articles regarding turning 65, being laid off, and enrolling in Medicare but I have not read an article on how to lower my Medicare monthly premium. I need help! I turned 65 in September and enrolled in Medicare. I received a letter from Social Security stating that I must pay $544.30 for...

Travel Costs Chaos, Hidden Fees

UNITED STATES—It is no secret America, if you’re planning to travel rather its be car, bus, train or plane it is going to cost a lot more people. Gas prices are bouncing up and down in recent months and as a result it’s costing all sorts of headaches for the public. I mean the cost of a plane ride...

So Tired Of Seeing Political Ads

UNITED STATES—We all know that the mid-terms elections are fast approaching, but I am so over the political ads. I get it; the candidates have to run ads to promote themselves and get the word out there, but why are nearly 90 percent of the ads that are run on TV all negative. I don’t know how else to...

Polling Is Not Accurate People!

UNITED STATES—I wish I could answer the question as to why people think a poll is accurate. It seems year after year when elections come around the pollsters come out and they start to throw out numbers and people eat it up as fact and truth. I’m going to say something that is probably going to upset some people,...
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