Point of View

Costly Food Shopping

UNITED STATES—I have told this to people in the past that the cost of food or groceries (it depends on who you speak to) is costly. I tallied my receipts for the past 2 weeks and I spent over $200 in groceries! Yeah, it baffled me because I had to think about what I purchased and then I realized...

Bad Dreams Are A Trigger Of What?

UNITED STATES—If there was anything I learned studying psychology, especially the power of dreams it’s the fact that a vast majority of our dreams are a direct result of triggers that transpire during the day. Things we’ve seen, we’ve watched or encountered even for a mere 20 seconds can lead to a bad dream or what I would prefer...

The Work From Home Conundrum

UNITED STATES—I hate technology, I just do. I wish we could return back to the times where we had rotary phones and landlines to rely on solely. The reason I say that is because the cellphone can be your best friend and it can be your worst enemy at the same time. With that said, I have a love...

How To Get Quality Sleep

UNITED STATES—I have not had a good quality sleep in nearly 2 months. When I say that I’m being dead serious because it seems no matter what I do nothing works. I used to think it was a direct result of insomnia particularly because I used to work nights as an undergraduate and my sleep rhythm has never been...

“Still Working…” Magic Words For Enrolling In Medicare Part B Correctly!!

UNITED STATES—Dear Toni: I am losing the battle with Social Security about me and my wife enrolling in Medicare Part B since I am losing my group benefits effective March 31. I took early retirement in April 30, 2020 when COVID-19 problems started and both me and my wife have been under company group health benefits.  I now find...

Laughter Brings Levity To Life

UNITED STATES—I believe laughter is good for the soul. When you’re having a bad day, nothing brightens the mood more than having a good hearty laugh. Rather that laugh is coming from a movie, TV show, a comedian, or a family member who just has the ability to make one laugh. At least once a week, I indulge in...

Clothing Overload

UNITED STATES—I will admit it: I have way too many clothes in my closet. It has gotten so overwhelming I don’t even know where to place them anymore. Perhaps that may be a direct result of every time I get rid of clothing I end up purchasing some more items. It’s NOT that I actually need clothing, but I...

Exercise Starts With A Commitment

UNITED STATES—Commitment. It is a word that many of us fear. However, it is a commitment that pushes us to accomplish things that we sometimes ignore. One of the biggest commitments I wanted to make starting the New Year was to get more exercise in. Things were not great in January, and yes I can blame COVID-19 for that,...

Cleaning Properly Is Time Consuming

UNITED STATES—Oh, the notion of cleaning your home is not an easy task especially if you’re doing it thoroughly. I always say when it comes to cleaning you have to have a plan and if you can delegate tasks to people do so. Why? It shaves off some of the things that you have to do. With that said,...

Making Your Dream Job A Focus

UNITED STATES—I have always known for quite some time what I was put on this planet to do. You might say it is your gift, your passion or the dream job that fulfils you in a way that nothing else does. As a kid, at first I thought I would be a surgeon or pediatrician, then I had lingers...
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