Point of View

Christmas Done Early!

UNITED STATES—Fall is here, and with that said many of you probably know the holidays are starting to usher in with full force. I mean we have Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Yes, Christmas is about 3 months away, and you’re already seeing the Christmas decorations in the stores and chatter starting to build about Christmas shopping and what some...

Choose Passion Over Money!

UNITED STATES—Oh college, I remember those good ole days America, I remember being fresh out of high school, heading to a Big Ten university to pursue my undergraduate studies and trying to determine what I wanted to major in. There is a multitude of majors to decide from, but I will never forget people telling me to select a...

What Is The Medicaid Estate Recovery Program?

UNITED STATES—Toni, I am a financial planner with a client who just received a bill for her mother's Medicaid Long Term Care that was cared for at her mother’s house instead of a nursing home. Sue is now stuck with a $67,500 bill that Medicaid says must be paid in full. Her mother died at least 8 months ago. She...

Political Ad Mayhem

UNITED STATES—You know when it’s election year, when those political ads start running on television. It’s only September, and I’m telling myself now I cannot wait till November 4. Why? Those pesky, annoying political ads will disappear. I think the biggest concern I have when it comes to political ads is that 95 percent of them tend to be...

Why Is My Medicare Part B Premium Costing $723?

UNITED STATES—Toni: My Medicare began on August 1st and on September 3rd I received my first bill which is $723 for my Medicare Part B. This bill is due September 25th and is not giving me very much time to have this paid. I do not see this Medicare cost anywhere on the Medicare site and have not received a...

We All Need That Break

UNITED STATES—Life can be chaotic, we all know that, but the great thing about life is that you can always take a moment and cut off from all the mayhem and madness that pushes us to our breaking point. That is why the vacation comes into play. I’m someone who has worked in corporate America for years, I have...

Be Careful Of Judgement!

UNITED STATES—I am pretty sure I’m not the only person who has heard the phrase, “Never judge a book by its cover.” However, as a society so many of us cast judgement so quickly before we think or even know what we’re talking about. The news of actor Chadwick Boseman passing last week was devastating; it was a shock...

COVID-19 Is Killing The Economy!

UNITED STATES—This is the craziest thing in the world, but got damn I cannot wait till this COVID-19 pandemic ends. There are so many people acting like everything is back to normal because some businesses have reopened their doors, but hello things are not back to normal and they will never be back to normal. What do I mean...

Burdened With So Much Stress!

UNITED STATES—Stress, oh, stress is such a part of everyone’s life and no matter how much I attempt to compartmentalize the stress I encounter it always spills over and just leaves me wanting to climb into a box. I expect stress, but sometimes the level of stress I deal with when it comes to work makes me wonder WHY...

Are You Prepared for An Unexpected Accident Or Illness?

UNITED STATES—Hi Toni: Recently, I had a bad car wreck and ended up in the hospital with only a minor concussion from hitting the windshield and my wife was not hurt at all. I was surprised when the hospital asked for my medical power of attorney. I am 64 years old and have not even thought about long term...
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