Point of View

The Frog In The Boiling Water

UNITED STATES—This fable tells of a frog placed in tepid water which is slowly being brought to a boil.  Since the change in temperature is so gradual, the frog does not realize the danger it is in, and will be cooked to death. Is this the plight of nearly half of our nation? Are they slowly being stripped of their...

Major Schooling Changes This Fall

UNITED STATES—Believe it or not America, many students have actually returned to the classroom. However, the notion of going back to school is NOT what it used to be. For starters, many schools (grade, middle, high and college) have decided to go virtual for the start of the school year, at least for the first half, it could spill-over...

Fed Up With The Bull-Crap!

UNITED STATES—I guess I am someone who takes my job quite seriously. I don’t like to play around or doddle when it comes to handling business matters. However, I keep learning I cannot expect everyone to behave and think the same way that I do. With that said my tolerance for bull-crap and just silly games I cannot stand...

Being Sick Sucks America!

UNITED STATES—I rarely get sick America, but when I do get sick it tends to be pretty bad. I recently came down with an illness that to be honest I don’t think I’ve ever had in my life: Pink Eye. Yeah, it’s not a pretty sight America and what’s worst is that it can irritate you to the high...

My Closet Is Too Packed!

UNITED STATES—Have you ever taken a look at your closet and just said there is just too much going on in here. Yes, that happens to me at least once a week. I clean it out, but less than a day or two I have tossed more stuff in the closet and its disorganized once again. So the question...

Electronic Documents Vs. Paper Documents?

UNITED STATES—I only do this about TWICE a year, but I have discovered that I should do it more often so it does not pile up. It’s shredding paperwork. I like to have paper documents of things because it allows me to actually see what is transpiring with my bank statement, my credit cards and my bills in general. I...

Losing The College Experience

UNITED STATES—It seems COVID-19 has claimed another casualty America: the college experience. I don’t know about many of you, but I know with certainty going to college was an experience unlike any other. It allowed me to learn the importance of becoming an adult, how to manage money, to better socialize and come into my own as an adult....

The Disenfranchisement Of The American Voter

UNITED STATES—Do you recall the closing of some polling stations earlier this year?  It was a blatant attack to limit those voting against the president’s personal interests.  He did this knowing long lines would form right in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, thus putting voters in needless danger. So Americans circumvented his devious ploy by deciding to vote by...

Businesses Are Closing Left And Right

UNITED STATES—The worry is becoming quite real for me right now. I cannot tell you how many businesses that I have seen shuttered their doors because of the coronavirus pandemic. This is something unlike anything ever seen or witnessed in my 30 plus years of life. However, seeing the number of businesses I’ve seen closed lately is beyond alarming...

Why Is Mail So Late Lately?

UNITED STATES—I know I’m not the only person experiencing this so I have to ask: has your mail been coming excessively late in recent weeks? If not you are lucky, but for me that is not the case. My mail has been coming very late, I recall just last week one day the mail came at 12 p.m., the...
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