Point of View

How To Host A Successful Virtual Thanksgiving – Without Any Tech Hiccups

LIFESTYLES—With Thanksgiving right around the corner, Americans are gearing up to celebrate with friends and family. But this year, there’s a catch. The U.S. has surpassed 1 million COVID-19 cases for November alone, and as has been predicted, this holiday season will be unlike any other. California Gov. Gavin Newsom issued a limited stay at home order ahead of Thanksgiving...

Memorial Day Sales Frenzy

UNITED STATES—If you’re looking for a good deal for the summer months, now is the time America. Why? You have Memorial Day fast upon us and the retailers are looking to get the consumer into their stores. I’ve learned something over the years, when it comes to purchasing items from retailers, rather it be clothing, household appliances, electronics, watches,...

Tax Season Is About To Begin America

UNITED STATES—Are you ready? Yes, tax season officially kicks off January 29, but you can perhaps submit your return earlier via federal e-filing even though the IRS won’t accept them until the 29th of the month. However, this is the time to start gathering up those documents and ensure you have all your paperwork in order so that when...

Boosting The Minimum Wage

UNITED STATES—Some good news was unleashed to the public on Tuesday, February 12 as President Barack Obama conducted his State of the Union Address. This was the commander in chief’s fourth address to the American people.  He acknowledged that he’d like to raise the current minimum wage of $7.25 to $9.00.   This is exceptionally good news, but as we...

Memories From September 11, Years Later

UNITED STATES—It’s hard to fathom that it has been 15 years since the United States was forever changed when several terrorists changed our world. September 11, 2001, that date is one that will NEVER be forgotten by anyone who is an American. We can all without a doubt vividly recall where we were and what we were doing when...

Twenty-First Century Soulmates: Around Half Of American Couples Now Meet Online

UNITED STATES—According to a study published earlier this year, almost 40% of heterosexual couples now meet online. This is more than through family, friends, or work, indicating a radical change in how singletons choose to connect. Among same-sex partners, the figure is even higher, with 65% of homosexual couples finding each other as a result of dating apps and websites. This means...

Spending Madness

UNITED STATES—Well that time of year has dawned upon us, and for many of us it places us in a spending frenzy that we soon wish we never divulged in. Christmas is that one time of year where the heart grows big and the need to do sometimes places us in financial ruins. I’ll be the first to admit that...

Award Shows: Do They Matter?

UNITED STATES—I caught a clip of a viral meme going around after a statement Jay-Z noted in regards to the Recording Academy failing to honor his wife Beyonce with the grand prize of Album of the Year. There were audible gasps in the audience. However, I was impressed someone was calling out the Recording Academy when it comes to...

‘Innocent’ Bystander

UNITED STATES—I want to have this discussion because it is something that concerns me greatly in our society. It seems like as a country we really take on the ‘innocent bystander’ effect. Now let me clearly explain this because I think there might be some confusion with people by what I mean. I’m not referring to someone being the...

Organize, Organize And Organize

UNITED STATES—I keep trying and I keep trying, but I’m finding myself having a ton of trouble getting properly organized, particularly my closet. I get rid of clothes, only to add more clothes, or I have clothes that I refuse or dismiss as something I’m going to wear that I never wear. I mean right now, I have at least...
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