
Online Shopping Vs. Big Box

UNITED STATES—This is a column I’ve wanted to do for quite some time, and with retailer Toys R’ Us shutting its doors, we have to discuss rather we could soon see the demise of large big box retailers. I have seen a lot of retail chains shut its doors during my lifetime. There were stores like Montgomery Ward, Mervyns,...

Where Has All Our Patience Gone?

UNITED STATES—Oh America, nowadays we are a nation where everyone wants everything quick, fast and in a hurry. I’m guilty of it. I mean just the other day I was at a brick and mortar to pay my charge card and I was fuming mad because of the extensive wait in the line. I used to have so much...

Not Letting The Credit Card Tempt You

UNITED STATES—We are in that time of year where money is spent swift and fast. I’m not referring to just cash and debit cards. To be honest, it is better to spend your cash or use your debit card because it is your actual money. In addition, with cash you tend to be a bit more guarded about what...

Biting Off More Than One Can Chew

UNITED STATES—Some of us are just guilty of being overachievers, it might be a result of what many call having a Type A personality. Yes, unfortunately, I’m one of those people, and I’m coming to the realization that sometimes trying to do it all is not the best fit. I tend to be that person when it comes to...

Mother’s Day Is Coming

UNITED STATES—I had to take a moment and think because I totally forgot that Mother’s Day was literally right around the corner. Yeah, it is about a week away on Sunday, May 9. So I’m in a bit of a panic: what do I get mom for the big day? I don’t know, I truly and honestly do NOT...

Take A Risk When It Comes To Life

UNITED STATES—If there is anything that I am learning about life as I get older it is that things don’t always go your way in life. You’re told that if you work hard you’ll always see the results you want and I used to think that, but I don’t. Sometimes you can be the hardest worker in the world...

Jury Duty 105: The Verdict

UNITED STATES—So we’ve talked about all the various procedures or elements as you may call it when it comes to jury duty. We have now reached the last stage, which is the reading of the verdict in the courtroom people. We are sitting in the jury room waiting to be called back to the courtroom. While we wait, we...

Veterans Day Tribute

UNITED STATES—This used to be a federal holiday that I didn’t think much about until my grandfather recently died as a result of COVID-19 back in April. I’m referring to Veterans Day, a federal holiday that is aimed to pay tribute to those who sacrificed their own lives so that people like myself and so many other Americans could...

Bad Energy Is Bad Energy People!

UNITED STATES—I have been actively working to control my emotions as of late. The one thing that I am absolutely not entertaining anymore is people with bad energy. I am over it and sick and tired of it. If someone is coming into my orbit with bad energy I am immediately removing myself from the situation and away from...

Arguments On Social Media

UNITED STATES—Oh, the argument, it’s something that we’ve all engaged in as kids, teens and adults. However, there is indeed a right way to argue and a stupid way to argue in my opinion. Hence, the issue with social media. With Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Snapchat and so many more social media outlets dominating the world as we know,...
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