
A Very Different Thanksgiving America

UNITED STATES—In less than a few days the biggest feast of the entire year will be upon us, Thanksgiving. Last week we chatted about preparation or the big day, but it now dawns on many Americans, that turkey day 2020 will NOT be like those of the past. Why not? COVID-19 is the reason people. Rather you believe in...

Sibling Rivalry Madness

UNITED STATES—For those Americans who have siblings, you understand that you squabble with your siblings it’s a passage of rite. However, at the same time you can have disagreements or arguments that are explosive, boil your blood and become volatile as hell. That is where things stand with my younger brother. I swear as kids we were thick as...

Do Not Let Your Guard Down

UNITED STATES─I swear I feel like this COVID-19 pandemic has taught us as a country we are way stronger than what we perceive. However, being locked down for weeks is something that can be quite trying America, and I mean trying. Imagine going 3 months without a haircut, being in the house for weeks on end, having to wear...

Eating Healthy Is Your Choice

UNITED STATES—This past week I had to take a moment and seriously look at all the bad food and junk I consumed this past week. It was not that great and it hit me, “What the hell are you doing?” Yes, you sometimes have to take a moment and ask yourself that question when it comes to your health...

More Time Is Needed!

UNITED STATES—I used to be someone that argued we had too much time in a single day, but the more I think about it 24 hours in a day is just NOT enough. Why? It seems like you never have enough time to complete the tasks or to do the things that you need to get done. Let’s just...

Time To De-Stress Your Life!

UNITED STATES—I seriously have no clue where time has gone, but this week has been a whirlwind to say the least. The biggest lesson that I have learned is that I simply cannot wait till the last minute to do things. I mean I’m already juggling two jobs, and just a bunch of utter family chaos. In the midst...

Christmas Is Over, But Deals Are Imminent!

UNITED STATES—As much as I love Christmas, I honestly love the weeks right after Christmas a bit more. Why? The deals after the holidays are so grand, you wish you’d actually wait till AFTER the holidays to buy gifts and give to people. I mean, most of us are clamoring to get budgets in order, viewing those receipts and...

The Inflation Frustration

UNITED STATES—If anyone tells you right now they are not hurting because of the economy; they might be one of the lucky ones who have so much money or a safety net that spending over $5 a gallon for gas doesn’t put that much of a dent in their wallet. I wish I could say the same thing, but...

COVID-19 Is Killing The Economy!

UNITED STATES—This is the craziest thing in the world, but got damn I cannot wait till this COVID-19 pandemic ends. There are so many people acting like everything is back to normal because some businesses have reopened their doors, but hello things are not back to normal and they will never be back to normal. What do I mean...

Work Frustrations

UNITED STATES—Work, some of us love it, most of us hate it. Why is that? Well, when it comes to work, most of us have yet to obtain that dream job. Where you wake up in the morning and have a gleeful grin on your face about actually going to work. For most of us, it’s a struggle to...
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