UNITED STATES—This past week I had to take a moment and seriously look at all the bad food and junk I consumed this past week. It was not that great and it hit me, “What the hell are you doing?” Yes, you sometimes have to take a moment and ask yourself that question when it comes to your health and food consumption. Was I eating excessive junk? No, but I knew I had a few treats additional treats than what I should have had.

Now, let me be clear I didn’t consume too much fast food, so that indeed made me happy. I mean twice this past week I had fast-food. Was there a reason for it? Yeah, I was out and about and it was just so hot outdoors I did not want to be in the kitchen or over the stove. That is not an excuse, but I didn’t have anything too heavy. I will point out I did exercise several times during the week so that made me feel a bit better, but once again that is not an excuse.

Look, I’m not the health police, nor will I advocate myself as that person, but you do have to be aware of what foods you consume and how much you consume them. I had a few cookies; I had a few sweetened drinks, some chips, just all junk food. As a result, this forces me to weigh options that if I don’t place these items into my fridge or in the cabinets. Yes, the temptation to have treats that are sweet and salty are engrained in our minds, and the notion of things healthy like fruits and veggies.

It’s like when you head to the supermarket you have to train that mind not to divert from stocking the household you NEED versus what you WANT. It is not easy to do because by nature you will always want a snack here and there that is not healthy. This also ties in with eating out. People can make the assertion all they want that if you eat at a sit-down establishment it’s healthier than let’s say McDonald’s or Taco Bell, but that is not so. The calories you can consume at McDonald’s and Applebee’s or some other establishment are quite similar.

I love The Cheesecake Factory, but I fully know the consumption of calories for just one meal can easily top 3,000 calories or more. Don’t be fooled that just because you’re sitting down everything will be light, healthy and good for the body. Not so America, not so at all. Why? I mean a slice of some of those cheesecakes can easily reach about 1,500 or more calories. My new goal is to really attempt to angle more vegetarian meals, but it’s all about flavor for me. I don’t want to eat anything that is going to be lackluster when it comes to taste and spice.

That is not to say vegetarian meals don’t have flavor because plenty do, it’s just finding a way to actually make that happen that is of importance to me. I’ve already argued that it’s much cheaper to purchase vegetables than any other food, so I need to utilize that as a major approach when it comes to my eating habits. I already love carrots, cucumbers, radishes, any type of fruit except apples, plums and oranges, so it should not be too difficult to make healthy eating an option for myself.

I honestly think sometimes it’s not always about how you look that can force someone to change their eating habits, I sometimes believe its realizing what you’re actually putting into your body is terrible, it’s not good and its having a bigger impact on you than you ever imagined. I always say if you get real sick that is a clear sign that you know what you should be eating and what you should NOT be eating. Just saying people, just saying.

Written By Kelsey Thomas