
The Importance Of Celebrating A Birthday

UNITED STATES—Birthdays, they come around once a year people, and with that assertion, they should be celebrated if you ask me. However, the older I get, I see the importance of a birthday not being as important as I once considered them. I’m not only speaking from my perspective, but a lot of friends and family members that I...

Stress Mounting On Top Of More Stress

UNITED STATES—The work week has just kicked off and I’m already stressed beyond words can describe. I’m starting to realize as much as I love Fridays, I hate and I mean hate Mondays. It’s something about knowing that you have to get ready for work, that chaos forces the body to go into fight or flight mode; well at...

Choices, Choices, Choices America

UNITED STATES—Life. Life is full of choices America, sometimes things we want to accomplish, a lot of the time it involves us doing things that we are not so happy to do. Why is this a conversation worth having? While I think it’s common for most Americans to have situations arise in their lives where they don’t necessarily come...

Comedy Gone Too Far!

UNITED STATES—It is no secret to the world that comedienne Kathy Griffin has rubbed quite a few people, let me rephrase that, a lot of people the wrong way. For those who have been sleeping under a rock, Griffin has received plenty and I mean plenty of backlash for that photo shoot of her holding what looked like a...

Jerseygate Is No Longer News!

UNITED STATES—At long last, the mystery has finally been solved involving New England Patriots star Tom Brady and his missing Super Bowl jersey. There is indeed a reason I’m bringing this issue to the table because I cannot BELIEVE the level of media coverage this story got. I mean people have talked about this issue like its game-changing for...

Working In Management

UNITED STATES—Throughout my career I’ve learned something of great importance: be careful what you wish for! The idea of being your own boss or working in management is not as ‘great’ as some would like to perceive. How do I know this? Well I've known a lot of people who worked in management positions, only to find themselves bumping...

Eating Right Is Hard At Times

UNITED STATES—I hate the word diet, but in the world we live in one has to be aware of what he or she puts into their mouths for the sake of their body and overall health. It’s easier to say I’m going to do XYZ, but when temptation lurks around every corner, you have to have discipline. I’ve made...

Family Reunion Planning

UNITED STATES—When I was a kid my dad’s family made it a tradition for us to have a family reunion every 2 years. When I reached my teen years, the reunions just stopped. Fast-forward to 2015, and the notion of the family reunion is exploding in full-force. For the first time ever, I attended a family reunion on my...

Every Penny Counts

UNITED STATES—We have all been told that every penny counts, and in my personal opinion it does. However, I see so many people; toss pennies to the curb as if they don’t matter. Like seriously, what gives people? The penny seems to have no value to most Americans, but they should seriously think again, when you actually do the...

A Marriage Of Convenience

UNITED STATES—Marriage from what I know it’s not easy. Let me be clear I am not married, but I have recently observed several couples over recent years who have been married for at least 10 plus years each or longer. Through observation I am learning a lot about marriage, the key thing being that you get what you put...
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