
Patience Overload

UNITED STATES—Patience, it is something that not many Americans have and I must admit, I’m part of that list unfortunately. Recently, my travels took me to an amusement park that I am super fond of: Cedar Point. However, on this particular day, I had no idea that the park would be so crowded that the park was not prepared...

Football Dangers

UNITED STATES—I seem to keep having this discussion week after week with people in my family. Football is a dangerous sport people, and while I know it’s part of most Americans daily routine on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays (Yes, football is happening all the time nowadays), it has its drawbacks. Some of you might be asking why this...

Every Penny Counts

UNITED STATES—We have all been told that every penny counts, and in my personal opinion it does. However, I see so many people; toss pennies to the curb as if they don’t matter. Like seriously, what gives people? The penny seems to have no value to most Americans, but they should seriously think again, when you actually do the...

Biting Off More Than One Can Chew

UNITED STATES—Some of us are just guilty of being overachievers, it might be a result of what many call having a Type A personality. Yes, unfortunately, I’m one of those people, and I’m coming to the realization that sometimes trying to do it all is not the best fit. I tend to be that person when it comes to...

Older Sibling Vs. Younger Sibling

UNITED STATES—Ok, this column might not apply to all people, but for those with a sibling this is a column that will totally connect with you. I’m a believer the more siblings you have the more drama that is certain to be evident in the mix. For many baby boomers, there is a likely chance that their parents had...

Wiser With Age

UNITED STATES—I want to pose a question to everyone, do we actually get wiser with age? Most people would say yes, but it begs the question that if we made mistakes in our 20s, how likely are we to make that same mistake in our 30s, 40s or 50s? It is indeed a question worth asking, because as I...

Conserving Water, Energy And Other Resources

UNITED STATES—We have been told time and time again that the environment is precious and the resources in our environment are just as crucial. I think one of the most wasted resources is water. Yes, water is something that comprises more than 70 percent of our bodies, yet we waste more water in a given day than we can...

The Power Of A Good Walk

UNITED STATES—Exercise, yep, it’s that 8-letter word that most of us never want to hear, but guess what we have to be active one way or another. Most of us may not engage in rigorous exercise on a daily basis, however, a body in movement is better than a body that is immobile. I’ve recently learned that walking is...

Reading Is It All Fun?

UNITED STATES—I’ll be the first to admit that when it comes to reading material in the classroom I easily get bored. It takes a lot for a book to REALLY grab my attention and not let it go. The last book that I can recall that I couldn’t put down after picking up was a book I read in...

Save, Spend Or Pay Off Debt

UNITED STATES—When you have a bit of extra money in the wallet or the purse, there are only three options to choose from: spend, save or pay off debt. For most people, we fall for spending or paying off debt, which raises the question, why is SAVING money at the bottom of the list? We’re a country where most of...