
All Odds Against You

UNITED STATES—Insanity. It’s not a word that is easy to describe, but it’s when a person suspects he or she is losing their mind. Stress is a large component of insanity in my opinion. Some weeks are more stressful than others. Last week, my brain was put through a mental workout. Not only did I have to deal with...

Colorblind Reality

UNITED STATES—The recent scandal involving NAACP leader Rachel Dolezal’s race has a ton of people in uproar. Here is a woman that from most standards of the American eye appears Black on the outside, but happens to be White. She could indeed pass for Black, but many have argued why? This brings up yet another issue regarding the question...

How Some Lie So Well?

UNITED STATES—How easy it is for some people to tell a lie? I honestly am baffled at times the tales some people come up with in a ploy to cover their tracks. To some degree I really don’t believe the notion of telling a ‘good lie.’ A lie is a lie, no matter how many various ways you attempt...

Patience Is Key

UNITED STATES—As Americans we have become accustomed to getting things when we want them, not when we need them. Something I have learned in the past month is that I’m not a patient person. I think this has become quite common for me when I have to deal with seeking customer service for products or services that I buy....

The Duggars Finally Speak

UNITED STATES—Wow, that’s the only thing I could say after watching that sit-down interview with Megyn Kelly of FOX News Channel. I kinda had my skepticism about watching the interview cause I wasn’t really certain if Kelly was really going to ask those questions the viewers had hoped to have answered. To my surprise she did, while she didn’t...

Public Shaming

UNITED STATES—There has been a trend in the parenting department that has gotten a lot of attention lately, shaming. Some of you might be asking, just what is shaming. It’s the notion of publicly embarrassing a child for bad behavior. In the past month alone, I have heard of at least 4-5 situations of parents shaming their children. This...

Graduation Blues

UNITED STATES—Graduation season is upon us. Rather its grade school, middle school, high school or college, big festivities are taking place all over the world. I want to turn my focus to high school and college in particular. Leaving high school is the birth of becoming an adult so many say. Leaving college is the arrival of what many...

The Inquisitive Mind

UNITED STATES—Kids sometimes do indeed say the funniest things, but what happens when a child begins to mimic and do what he or she sees? You open the door for a whirlwind of trouble. Some might be asking where this tale comes from, while it’s from my experiences watching my nieces and nephews age over time. Currently, my niece...

Time Travel

UNITED STATES—If you were given the opportunity to manipulate time would you use it to your advantage? Think about that question for a moment. Most of us automatically say no as it directly impacts the future, but haven’t there been a few things in your life that you wish you could have a do-over? I think we all would...

“19 Kids And Counting” Scandal

UNITED STATES—When it comes to reality television there seems to be scandals across the globe. By now, most of you have heard about the scandal involving TLC star Josh Duggar of the popular series “19 Kids and Counting.” The news of the eldest child committing several acts of molestation was troubling to say the least, not to mention the...