
Journalistic Integrity

UNITED STATES—By now most of you have heard the scandal surrounding NBC Nightly News reporter Brian Williams. It appears he embellished or lied a bit about his time in a helicopter in Iraq. The report that he was inside a chopper that was hit by gunfire wasn’t the truth, and has brought into question his validity in reporting. The...

Awards Show Debacle

UNITED STATES—What is it about awards season that puts so many Americans in a tizzy? Is the excitement about the fashions? No. Is it the excitement of seeing big time celebrities? No. So what is it? It’s the notion of seeing a possible dream come to fruition. Yeah, there are plenty of awards shows, but I think when it...

The ISIS Crisis

UNITED STATES—Terrorism is something that is beyond frightening. As an American, this was seen first-hand with attacks on our country on September 11, 2001, that changed the face of this country ever since. In recent months, the militant, terrorist group ISIS is continuing to instill fear across the nation, by capturing, torturing and violently killing innocent people. Not only have...


UNITED STATES—When it comes to food its no easy task for many of us to limit our portions. We’re told time and time again, portion control is the key to losing weight and keeping a healthy body. So why don’t we do it? Our taste buds and drive to want more of something that tastes good is sometimes difficult...

Commercial Success

UNITED STATES—One of the biggest cooler room conversations the day after the Super Bowl seems to fixate on the commercials. I mean when you think of the Super Bowl, the first thing that comes to mind is not sitting at a television screen for four hours to watch a bunch of silly commercials. So why do so many companies...

Fueled By Hate

UNITED STATES—Hate, hate, hate, it is indeed a strong word. A new study, it seems there is one of these each week has revealed the effects of social media on people’s lives. The latest study has revealed that those using social media to emit words of hate are likely to have a shorter life span. Well, that kinda makes...

Controversy Surrounding “American Sniper”

UNITED STATES—If you haven’t seen the movie “American Sniper” you might want to run to the theaters to catch the flick about Iraq war veteran and famed sniper Chris Kyle. In the recent weeks, the movie has taken the box-office by storm and along the way controversy has risen. As a critic who has seen the flick, “American Sniper” was...

A Colorblind Culture

UNITED STATES—In honor of the great teachings of Civil Rights Leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I only found it fitting this week to write a column highlighting what Mr. King hoped for one day in America. He was petulant in his message about not judging people by the color of their skin, but by the content of their...

President Obama Unveils His Agenda

UNITED STATES—The President of the United States of America, Barack Obama held his State of the Union Address on Tuesday, January 20. There was quite a bit that the President had on his agenda that he wanted to express to Congress and America, with only two more years left on his term. Did we learn anything that we didn’t expect...

Perfection 101

UNITED STATES—Have you ever heard the phrase, “It has to be perfect?” Of course you have, I think we all have. The idea of perfection is something that we must all aim for, but are we creating an expectation that is impossible to achieve? Its something that many of us hear from our parents, our teachers, our bosses, our family,...
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