Secret Summers

Nexxus Blew My Curly Secret

BEVERLY HILLS—What do you tell your plump-lipped, chubby-cheeked daughter with curls down to her bum? Her peers are stick-thin and tight-lipped, boasting perfectly straight shoulder-length hair. They are the standard of beauty, she's not. You do the only thing you can for your distraught princess. You appease her, finding the best hair product to relax her nagging curls. You buy...

Chivalry Is Only Dead Down The Hill

Bel Air, Los Angeles
BEL AIR—I was but a little girl when I spotted my brother sporting his Sigma Nu hoodie emblazoned with the words "Chivalry is not dead." Curious, I asked what chivalry meant, sparking a lengthy family conversation. I relished the notions of respect, honor and valor, especially when demonstrated by these charming, older frat boys. I couldn't articulate the essence of...

The American Dream Of Secrets

BEVERLY HILLS—Secrets were a way of life, a way of survival. I don't think this was my parents' intention, but this was my interpretation of their parenting. My dad always implored, "You only need to share the bare minimum, the pertinent information." This was contrary to my innate character. It was natural for me to be a free spirit, to...
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