HOLLYWOOD—After the first week of utter mayhem in the “Celebrity Big Brother” house, I certainly did not expect week two to live up to the hype, but man, let’s give the golden trophy to Joey Lawrence, Lolo Jones, Natalie Eva Marie, Tom Green and Ricky Williams. Joey was on the outs after Ryan was blindsided and he saw himself on the block alongside Kandi.
Look, I thought Tom’s nominations were slightly weak. He wanted to go after Ricky, but decided to hold his hand and thought the notion of a backdoor was a better strategy. Kandi was not happy, but what the hell has she doing, she’s not doing well in the competitions, she is barely talking strategy, so in my personal opinion she could go. Oh, but that has all changed, more on that later people, cause she is the strategic mastermind who could win it all.
Let’s get back to the good stuff. Tom won HOH during a scary movie themed competition. Rumblings were in the air of nominating Kandi and Tamar, but little did Tom know that Tamar had won the Power of the Publicist. This special power allows the person in possession to remove themselves from the block during any nomination or power of veto ceremony until December 4. Once that power was unleashed Tom became super paranoid. As a result, he wanted to phish out the power, but nope, Kandi didn’t have it nor did Joey. This rattled Lolo and Natalie; the foursome of Lolo, Tom, Kato and Natalie was fracturing in front of our eyes.
For those thinking that Tamar was drama, look no further than Lolo Jones. Man I’ve seen this woman lose her canon on the MTV reality series “The Challenge.” She can flip off in a matter of seconds. Lolo and Natalie were NOT on board with Tom’s plan to backdoor Ricky. Why? They are working with Ricky and they want him in his back pocket. It was utter chaos, arguments between Lolo and Tom, Lolo shouting at Kato to get out her room, Kato throwing digs at Natalie and Lolo, Ricky complaining about his yoga mat, it was utter chaos.
It got so bad that I felt I was watching “Big Brother 19” with all the dirty digs taken by Lolo, Natalie and even Ricky. This game started to turn ugly and it was taking the fun out of things. I mean you’re labeling people as racist, calling people chauvinistic, the list goes on and on. I figured once Natalie won the POV, there was no chance that Ricky would get backdoored.
So on one contingent we have Joey and Tamar looking to team up with Lolo, Natalie and Ricky to take out Kandi, while Tom, Kato and Dina were ready to take out Kandi. However, during the live eviction, it was no blindside at all because it all came down to Tamar. How so? She would be the vote that determines who goes home. If she votes for Kandi, she’s packing, if she votes for Joey, Tom gets to break the tie.
So in essence, Tamar was the power player this week, and things were slightly tame for her this week. She wasn’t creating all the drama, that award went to Lolo and crew. By a vote of 6-0 Joey was sent packing and he delivered a hilarious interview with Julie Chen that was gold. I mean that impression of Lolo was spot on. So we have a HOH that could deliver some amazing fireworks if Kato won, Lolo, Natalie or Ricky would touch the block. If Lolo, Natalie or Ricky won HOH, it would be Tom and Kato to touch the block. However, Tamar of all people won HOH, and she didn’t need it!
Ugh, I wanted her to have to utilize her power, but she was in such a good position and didn’t need things. She should have allowed Kato to win to get blood on his hands by making a big move. Doing precisely what Nolicky (Natalie, Lolo and Ricky) wanted Tamar nominated Tom and Kato, even though Kandi tried to put that bug in her ear that the trio has to be broken up, as they are a tight pair.
For the second consecutive week, we have a live veto leaving viewers and fans on the edge of their seat. I desperately needed Tom, Kato or Kandi to win the veto, but it was Lolo and viewers chance for an epic blindside was sidetracked. As a result, Kato was sent packing by a vote of 5-0, and in a crucial HOH, Tom won! Viewers wanted and needed this, which led to Lolo, Ricky and Natalie kissing Tom’s butt to the sky. Kandi was a strategic mastermind, nudging Tom alongside with Dina to focus on taking out Natalie and not Ricky.
Tom’s initial plan was to nominate Lolo and Ricky, with Ricky being the target, however, Kandi’s influence got him to realize that Natalie is a bigger threat and target America, and the Tomandi (the newly coined alliance) realized that. I’m so for Tom and Kandi making it all the way to the final two. Tom is definitely playing the game, and Kandi has stepped it up majorly since nearly being booted during the third live eviction.
To say Nolicky was upset was an understatement. Natalie was fuming, Lolo immediately went to bashing Tom after making up with him and Tamar joined them in the bashing. Tom was in the HOH room dancing, just as I can’t figure out why Tamar is engaging in such behavior. I need a diary room from her to explain because she knows she is at the bottom of that foursome.
I see a major blowup happening between the ladies, particularly Lolo, Kandi, Natalie and Tamar and I cannot wait for it. I think some fire is coming Kandi’s way and we all know Kandi don’t play so if we’re looking for great TV, it looks like it’s going to happen. We have a double eviction on Friday, which means we’re in for a full 2 hours of chaos. When the dust settles we’ll be done to our final 5, with the finale taking place on Wednesday, February 13. If only the regular “Big Brother” could implement some of the pacing and gameplay as “Celebrity Big Brother” it would have fans loving it every season.