HOLLYWOOD─I think it’s the secret that everyone has been dying to know on “Days of Our Lives:” what secret is Victor and Xander keeping? It should be no surprise to most of Salem that Victor and Xander were never on the best of terms. So that time jump should have been a hint that something major happened to keep the duo together. With that said, we still have two mysteries yet to be solved, but it looks like those secrets are beginning to unravel.
For starters, we still don’t know who killed Jordan Ridgeway and why. To be honest, I really don’t care, we all know it wasn’t Ben, and this week we got confirmation it wasn’t Victor or Xander either. So that poses a very important question? Who did and why? The bigger mystery is just what transpired with Will and Adrienne that led to her death on Mother’s Day. Will has admitted to committing the crime, Sonny is a mess, and Justin has seemed to move on. Yet, the audience STILL has no clear indication as to WHAT led to her death. I sense that truth is about to start to unravel and Will, Victor, Xander, Ben and Ciara are all tied to it. Why?
Well for those in the dark, the great Victor Kiriakis suffered a stroke and blood clot, when questioned by his granddaughter about Ben’s final plea. She has been digging and knows Xander and her grandfather are keeping a secret, and the duo was forced to start to spill some tea. Oh, this was interesting, as Ciara learned that Xander and Victor framed Will for Adrienne’s death to protect their loved one. That confirmation still hasn’t been received directly to the audience who that person is, but I suspect the audience can piece the puzzle together to figure it out.
To say the least, Ciara was stunned with the revelation, and made it clear she could NOT promise to keep quite on the matter. In other matters, Kate’s suspicions about Evan are becoming clearer, especially after Rafe asked him to sign documents agreeing to a full background check. Hmm, Evan, if you didn’t have anything to hide, you would sign that document without hesitations. This is a major development people.
In other news, Steve aka Stefano revealed himself to another family member: Kristen. Yes, she was delusional at Steve’s presence at first, but once the truth came out, she couldn’t contain herself. It looks like the entire DiMera clan is here people. The only person missing is EJ, which makes one wonder: should we expect to see him in the flesh very soon? Stefano and Gina are ready to make a move against Marlena and John, just as John has all the clues sitting in front of him, but has yet to put the pieces of the puzzle together.
Rafe seems to be the one person, along with Abigail who knows what is wrong. When Hope tried to fire him, he revealed a file that he has been keeping on her and his focus to get to the bottom of things. Speaking of rivalries, we have to discuss Gabi and Lani. Gabi is starting to unravel at the fact that she could lose Eli and that her secret involving Julie’s pacemaker is coming to fruition. Lani teased a bit to JJ, who is still confused as to why Lani is posing as a nun when she is not. It is all part of her masterplan to exact her vengeance. Gabi never expected Eli to propose marriage, which means we can expect Gabi’s lies to blow up in her face during a wedding, where JJ and Lani get the upper hand on the devious villainess.
Gabi should be careful, she is dabbing her hands in too many cookie jars, especially in regards to Kristen. Kristen will do anything to get Brady back and becoming an employee at Basic Black is a start. Why is this problematic? Kristen doesn’t like her lover getting cozy with any other woman except herself, and with Nicole in the picture that changes it all, and making Kristen think Brady has moved on is not a wise idea. I love crazy Kristen, she makes for such entertaining TV on “Days of Our Lives.”