UNITED STATES—I look inside my closet every single day and just the thought of organizing things leaves me speechless. Why? It’s so much to organize my brain just goes crazy thinking about it. I wouldn’t really consider myself a hardcore clothing guy, but I have amounted quite a few clothes in 2017. The one thing I would indeed point out is that I did indeed get most of those clothes at a discounted rate.
I shouldn’t say this, but my closet is like a storage place for me; if it’s something I prefer not to deal with I toss things in there and before you know it, you can barely dig through the closet to find items. So months and months after saying I’m going to clean out my closet, I finally started to work on the chaos within the chaos. First task: take out all the clothing. This is the one thing I think we all struggle with: things to keep, things to give away and things that you have to part ways with.
When it comes to many of my clothes, I have simply outgrown them, they are no longer worn or they have just sat in the closet and I don’t even know they are there. So I organized my clothes in the simplest forms: coats, fleece, shirts, jeans, hoodies, light jackets and sweats. I really didn’t think I had so many T-shirts, but I have much more than I expected. So I started to bag up shirts to give to my little brother who loves to invade my closet whenever he stops by my house.
I shouldn’t be such a perfectionist, but I do tend to sometimes color code my T-shirts, jeans, fleece, jackets etc. Why? It just makes it that much easier to find certain items when things are organized. Then, I can focus on hangers. I tend to not care what hangers are used in my closet, as long as I can hang up the item that is all that matters to me. I did hear a few people pinpoint I had all various colors of hangers: black, white, wood, non-wood and wire hangers. Do many people care that much about hangers, but I know for many women that is a major, major plus.
When you begin to get rid of items, I always think it’s vital to donate those clothing items that are not heavily damaged or overly worn. I mean there are plenty of people out there who need clothing, and one person’s trash becomes another person’s treasure. And it is so much better to give then to just get rid of stuff that can be utilized by other people. I do believe the closet should only be a storage place for items that you are actually going to wear. Don’t toss items like shoe boxes, photos, posters, printers, computers, random boxes, and just plan junk.
That is the thing about organization: you are forced to acknowledge that you sometimes keep things that should never be in your possession to begin with. On top of that, it’s never a wise idea to wait months to get rid of clutter. Why? Then you have much more to clean up than you imagined or ever expected. Something that should only take an hour could end up taking 12 hours or even longer to actually complete. The reorganization of my closet was a 2-day battle, but I’m pleased with things, but there is still plenty more that needs to be done before I’m completely happy. Why?
I want to actually be able to walk in the closet and simply pull from it and not struggle to remove items because there is too much being stored. I don’t like to consider myself a perfectionist, but the more I think about it, I am a perfectionist because I like things tidy, organized and easy to find.