UNITED STATES—Politics is one of the dirtiest jobs of all time in my opinion. It’s not as clear cut and straightforward as so many people would like to believe it is. When a person tells me they’re running in the political arena, the first thing that pops into my mind is exactly what are you after.

It’s hard for me to believe a person gets involved in politics to do personal good. I’m not saying it’s not possible for those who enter the political arena to have major change on the American society, because its possible, but with change comes resistance.

Politics in my opinion is a game of ‘pay to play.’ How many people have heard that phrase? I’m certain quite a few have. There is a big issue with pay to play when it comes to politics because politicians are puppets to a degree. They are following the orders of all those backers who have supported their campaign fundraisers in hopes of getting something in the long run. Let’s face it politics is a pricey business to be involved in. Those with more funding tend to yield better results, while those without much funding don’t see the best turnouts.

Simply put, politics is about one thing and one thing only: money. Yep, that green little thing that we all crave and we all want is at the root of all the evil, wicked, backstabbing, deceptive, unethical games that are played in the political arena. You have millionaires and billionaires who fork over loads of money to a particular politician in hopes of helping them get elected into office. They might host lavish fundraisers or dinner parties to fill up the pockets of a politician they are hoping to get into office to fight for or against particular reforms that may be a heated issue. That’s at the core of politics.

Pushing specific agendas to the forefront, not so much for the best interest of the people they represent, but to a select few who have given a monetary amount where they expect something in return. Politicians who have been elected are well aware of this and find themselves in sticky situations where they are at times forced to give into the temptation they signed up for.

Some would even say getting involved in politics is like making a deal with the Devil. It’s a risqué industry where one’s morals and ethics can be challenged to the ultimate degree. The most important question those involved in politics have to ask themselves is rather, “Politics is to help the people of my community or to help a select few who are willing to offer me big drawbacks for leaning things in their favor.” Yep, it’s quite unfortunate, but this is the reality we live in. Politics is a very dirty sport, and anyone who tells you otherwise is full of you know what.

By LaDale Anderson