UNITED STATES—Well that was quick. As quickly as 2013 came, it now comes to an end. And like so many others we take the time to reflect on the previous year: the highs, the lows, the good, the bad, and the ugly. As 2013 comes to a close, 2014 is knocking at the door and people are already planning their ‘resolutions.’ You might be asking just why I have QUOTES around resolutions; because in all honesty how often do we stick to a resolution that we commit to! How about never!
That’s the problem with making resolutions, they always tend to be temporarily fixes, versus an actual commitment. We have to be willing as some would say make a lifestyle change to make our lives better. Rather it’s a health regimen, a health initiative to eat better foods or to improve our personal being, we must not look at this for something for the New Year it should be something that is permanent.
Of course, this type of thinking will automatically psyche you out, but take baby steps. No complete transformation happens overnight, if it did we’d all be superstars in our own recognition. If we set goals way beyond our reach, we feel defeated and tend to beat ourselves up. So don’t make New Year’s resolutions, make permanent lifestyle changes, but in order to do that you must implement the goal in stages.
If you make it past the first week, reward yourself; a month, reward yourself, etc, but if you happen to fall off the wagon, it’s not the end, just start from the beginning again. You’re bound to give into temptation, we all do, but it’s not the end of the world. Swearing off sweets completely for one year, will not be easy, as everywhere you turn something sweet will be placed in your face.
This also applies to exercising; the first week might go great, but come week two a hectic work schedule and family outings could tire the body, forcing you to be less prone to that 30-minute workout you promised to do. Perhaps the goal was to be nicer, beware someone is going to push your buttons. Challenges will be thrown to you left and right, the key is to overcome them without feeling defeated. Just because you get knocked down, does not mean you are unable to get back up.
The New Year is not just about a fresh start, it’s about change; marking something off your list that you hoped to accomplish. Remember, we always feel powerful when you complete something that wasn’t easy to begin with. The human spirit is unstoppable when we set our sights on something that we want. So farewell 2013, I’m so happy to see 2014, right around the corner. New plans, new people, new surprises galore!
By Trevor Roberts