HELLO AMERICA!—There are so many things one can say about the current generation of creative artists in Hollywood but when an actor’s list of interests include the building of classic airplanes, that is something to explore.
MSJ: Steve, you are recognized for your short story writing as well as your work in the theatre and films, what inspired you to have such an interest in building planes?
SFP: Well, about 30 years ago I was with a couple of friends when we saw this bi-wing plane made out of Budweiser cans. I looked it over and being the machinist I was then, knew I could do better. My friends dared me to make one, figuring I couldn’t do it, and that was how it all started.
MSJ: I see your name all over the internet and YouTube involving outer space and science fiction productions and projects, how has this new technology affected your passion for classic planes?
SFP: I’ve found that a lot of my interests in technology, and sci-fi are shared by many on YouTube. Thanks to YouTube, I’ve been able to get the word out about my plane kit all over the world. In fact, my YouTube videos have been viewed close to 3 million times worldwide. It’s the best of both worlds…being able to share my views, and free advertizing.
MSJ: I hear you have been connecting with people from all over the world who also has building planes as a hobby. Are you planning that one day you might develop this as a major business investment?
SFP: Anything’s possible, but I have no definite plans at this time. I am, however, seeking a contest sponsor, one of the major soda, or beer companies, but this is some time off.
MSJ: What has excited you most as an artist? Was it acting, writing or spending hours constructing planes of another era or century? And why?
SFP: Acting was fun, but I think I had the most fun writing. It’s a world you create and have full control of. I feel I have at least one more book in me which, by the way, I’ve already begun.
MSJ: If you had it to do all over again, would you have spent your young years working or flying planes? And why?
SFP: I made many mistakes, but I guess that’s all part of growing. I think I would have spent more time writing. I have so many stories inside me, hell; I might have been another Stephen King, or something.
MSJ: What have you discovered about yourself since you’ve been involved with this kind of hobby?
SFP: I’ve learned that nothing’s impossible. Who’d have thought that my crazy hobby would turn into an international success, but foremost is what I’ve learned on the computer. I designed my own site, http://planekit.net and had to learn everything from setting Jpegs to editing mp4s, I love it.
MSJ: Since you are a multi-talented person, what gives you the greatest feeling of accomplishment?
SFP: Its close, but I’d have to say it was getting my book “10 Strange Tales” published. I feel that was thehigh pointof my life. I’m “glad to be with my wife, and my friends. I’ve truly been blessed.
By Michael St. John