HOLLYWOOD—“Suits” has become one of my guilty pleasures since season two. This is a series that finds a way to keep viewers on their toes with each opportunity. The summer finale, ‘Faith’ opened with a heartbreaking moment with a flashback where the audience got to see Mike Ross grieve the loss of his parents at a very young edge, and learning from his grandmother the sad news.
This was really an episode that focused heavily on past experiences from Mike Ross and Harvey Specter that shaped their adult lives. These two have really endured some crazy things; things that the audience couldn’t even imagine.
Jessica found herself at the mercy of war, as Daniel Hardman and Jack Soloff did their best to take over the firm. When Jessica is pissed this is a woman not to mess with. Gretchen endured her wrath, but was not afraid to bite back, which was a treat to watch.
To make matters worse, Harvey Specter was seriously considering resigning! Tell me this is a dream, because it sure feels like it. As a kid, Mike feared becoming an orphan and the thought of not being able to say goodbye to his parents. Harvey wasn’t able to divulge to his father that his mother had been cheating on him.
Jessica asked for Louis’ assistance to ensure she had enough votes to prevent Jack from taking over the firm. Louis found himself at the mercy of Hardman who wanted vengeance against the people who wronged him. Not only did he secretly record Louis, he placed him in a pickle having to choose between his sister and the firm he works for.
Mike continued to grapple with demons from the past and use the church as his saving grace. It’s a nice transition to see Harvey in his past life where he leaned on Jessica for a helping ear during a traumatic time in his life, just as his lashed out at his mother, his father, his brother and her secret lover. Mike confessed to his father about his sin of secretly masquerading as a lawyer, he even returned the money he stole as a teen. During a tense boxing match, Harvey duked out things with his father and revealed that his mother was having an affair.
Jessica’s past life was no cakewalk either as the hubby she loved, left her because she was unable to realize that her career has been her downfall in her personal life. Jessica attempted to reason with Louis about the difficult decision that the firm has been placed in. Our calm one, unleashed a bit of rage by destroying her office, and asked Donna to locate Harvey who has gone MIA. Harvey’s relationship with his brother Marcus fractured because his choice to reveal his mother’s secret. This explains Harvey’s decision to stay distant from people; he has a fear of having his heart broken.
Donna spoke with Harvey’s therapist who wasn’t willing to divulge details about her session with her client, just as Jessica was forced to face the music of possibly losing her head of the firm, but Harvey showed up in a nick of time to call Hardman out on his tactics. He gave a riveting speech where he stood by his mentor’s side in her time of need. It became quite clear that Jessica was victorious, while Hardman had to face the music.
Mike and Harvey had a conversation that left me beyond speechless when he decided to resign from the firm to protect them. This entire episode I had the gut feeling Harvey was going to bid adieu, not Mike. Rachel was caught off guard when Mike gave her his letter of resignation. Not sure how long this will stick.
I mean Mike has left the firm before in the past. Jessica was shocked when she learned that Harvey had indeed stepped down from the firm also. Wow, two of the biggest players have left Pearson, Litt and Specter. Perhaps the biggest cliffhanger of the episode happened in the final moments when Mike found himself arrested for conspiracy to commit fraud. Rachel’s worst fear has come to life.
Ok, now I’m livid that I have to wait months to find out what will happen next. “Suits” sure knows how to keep the audience on the edge of their seat! The second half of season five can’t come soon enough.